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In Shymkent, since 2000 PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP has taken patronage over orphanage No. 4 established in 1957 for orphans and children deprived of parental care. For the past 21 years, the Company has been annually helping this children’s orphanage by allocating funds to improve housing conditions and living standards for children. The Company has acquired at their own expenses the necessary equipment, school supplies, musical equipment, books, equipped a sports hall and constructed playgrounds in the school area. A 25 seats new bus has been also purchased. Currently, more than 100 children are educated and brought up in the orphanage. Thanks to PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP, hobby (art, dance, choral, sewing, carpentry and locksmith) clubs have been established and operate for the orphanage children in order to develop and help children to gain practical skills for further independent life. The Company has assisted in creating comfortable conditions for a full life and comprehensive development of children by equipping a computer class, language laboratory and libraries. For all the time, the financial assistance provided to the orphanage amounted to about 57 mln. tenge.
In addition, PKOP LLP closely cooperates with “Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology” through giving lectures on vocational orientation and arranging for guided tours around the manufacturing area.
The Company supports low-income families as well as residents of the Zhuldyz community located near the enterprise by allocating funds for the purchase of necessary school supplies for children.
Secondary schools No. 99 and No. 94 are also supported and sponsored by the Company.
More than eight million tenge has been allocated, for example, to school No. 99 to purchase equipment for a computer class, maintain classrooms and equip the classroom with sewing machines and other necessary equipment. Over the past ten years, more than 6 mln. tenge has been allocated for equipping the classrooms for secondary school No. 94.