To change the world around us

To change the world around us

Certainly, the objective of each company is to operate successfully and profitably. However, wealth becomes worthless when human values are neglected. “PetroKazakhstan” is sure that its charity activities will allow changing people’s lives for the better. 


“Nauryz with Bibigul Tulegenova” concert became a real evidence of the fact that the charity activities are not just expenses but a great festive occasion for “PetroKazakhstan”.  The concert took place at the Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai in a bright, sincere and warm way. The concert was participated by the stars of Kazakhstani and world opera and the best students of Bibigul Akhmetovna Tulegenova. Performance of the main figure of the evening was hailed with a long standing ovation from audience. 
It is symbolic indeed, that this concert was held during Nauryz holiday, which symbolizes renewal of not only the nature, but of a human spirit as well. Nauryz produces a particular influence on people uniting everyone into a single patriotic outburst urging to do good deeds and to be involved in creation activities.
At all times, the art – whether painting, opera, prose, poetry or stage and screen – has always played the most important role in the life of every person helping to see bright and kind aspects of life. The art helped people live and fight for peace and love even in the most difficult times. The high art causes positive emotions and it is not surprising that people turned to spirituality when in difficult periods of time.  
The business community is an integral part of Kazakhstani society. Therefore, nowadays, a lot of big and small national companies and enterprises promote revival of Kazakhstani art elite by investing in cultural projects. Each company has its own opinion about where to make investments in. It may be the opening of a museum of oriental arts, holding an opera festival or literature contest. The sponsorship of cultural projects is already becoming a business need. The main reason for supporting the culture can be considered as a willingness to ensure that the high art promote uniting the youth and older generation. It is important for upbringing and formation of the younger generation personality in keeping with the best historic traditions of our country. It is not less important to note that the theater tickets are expensive nowadays; not everyone can afford them. But thanks to Kazakhstani business, the art is getting closer to all segments of population.  There is a philosophic law on the quality-to-quantity transition. Increase of cultural events, initiated by the business sector and conducted due to its efficient participation, is a positive fact itself, but it should be also noted that certain events cause us to gradually form a cultural environment. Thus, thanks to the support of business entities, the concerts of classical music masters were conducted in a number of cities of the country and the painting and graphics exhibitions of famous Kazakhstani artists were held. A lot of similar examples may be given.
More than one generation of Kazakhstanis has been admiring the art of Bibigul Tulegenova. She has recently acquired new admirers represented by “PetroKazakhstan” employees. Conducted charity project granted an opportunity to the company’s employees, working in different regions, sites and holding different positions, to become familiar with masterpieces of the national and world music culture. As the saying goes: “A man cannot live on bread alone”, but he needs to enjoy the beauty to have positive emotions.

The President of “PetroKazakhstan Inc.” Mr. Wei Yuxiang said at the evening:
– Both the charity traditions and our operational activities are equally important for our company. From year to year we have been trying to improve and to make living conditions more comfortable and interesting in regions where the company operates. From now on, we plan on providing support where it’s really needed.

The current event is dedicated to celebration of Nauryz and is a tribute of respect paid to the traditions of Kazakh people. It is also our contribution to development of the national culture and an opportunity for young people to become familiar with true spiritual values. Within the framework of the cultural heritage support the company acts as an initiator and sponsor of “Preserving traditions” documentary, which says about customs and traditions of Kazakh people. We hope that company’s guests and employees will deeply enjoy being involved in high art, which is represented by the prominent performers of Kazakhstan and of the world.
In fact, such events may inspire people to do good deeds. One of the priorities of “PetroKazakhstan” social projects is the arrangement of events, which enrich people in the cultural and spiritual sense.  The Vice-President of the company Bakhytzhan Isengaliyev continues this idea:
–     Bibigul Akhmetovna Tulegenova is a live legend of the cultural treasury of the country. This is why we decided to make a present to the community for Nauryz holiday by having arranged a concert with her participation. We are very glad that she agreed and this concert will be a positive accompaniment of celebrating the spring renewal of life. Bibigul Tulegenova deserves deepest respect. Without exaggeration, she is an Outstanding Person.  Today, Bibigul Akhmetovna is writing new brilliant pages in the history of independent Kazakhstan.
Spring, sun, the time for inspiration – is it similar to what people feel now when strolling in the green alleys? Yes! It’s time for a new life, love and new openings! Nauryz is the beginning of the beauty in everything of each spring.  Such mood reigned in the soul of everyone who was present at the concert. Indira Baktybayeva, an employee of “PetroKazakhstan” Almaty Branch, said the following: 
– We are very glad that the company granted us such an opportunity as having a concert of our favorite singer Bibigul Tulegenova at the eve of the bright Hauryz holiday. It was a real family holiday at Nauryz. I went to the concert with my mother and daughter. I also want my daughter to know who Bibigul Tulegenova is and to be proud that she lives in Kazakhstan, a multinational country with a rich cultural tradition; the country, which brought up a lot of outstanding gifted masters, who are applauded by the whole world. 
Ayan Tuyenbayev, an employee of “PetroKazakhstan Oil Products” LLP and international veteran of Afghan war shared his vivid impressions:
– I’ve been fond of Bibigul Tulegenova’s songs from my early years. The love for the homeland nature and Kazakh expanses is expressed with a big passion and soul beauty in her performance. I’ve been always dreaming to hear the live orchestra-accompanied performance of our loved-by-all Bibigul Tulegenova.
On the eve of Nauryz, we, a group of employees of Shymkent refinery, were unspeakably lucky to have such a great present for Nauryz as an expression of high appraisal of our work. My dream has come true and I feel happy!  The concert program has been arranged in the way so as to make us feel captured by a breath-taking music of both the Kazakh and world culture. We had a great pleasure! I’d like to thank all organizers, all actors and musicians, who performed at the concert! Upon arrival to Shymkent, we will surely share our impressions with our relatives and loved ones about the concert with a special pride. We feel involved that company supports such talents and makes its contribution to development of our national culture.   
The following greeting speech of Bibigul Telegenova was hailed at the concert with applauses, flowers and kind smiles:
– I would like to thank you all for participating in this evening dedicated to Nauryz – a holiday of spring and happiness!  Today, I saw already the first growing green grass outside, and this is the holiday of renewal indeed. I would like to express my tremendous gratitude to “PetroKazakhstan”, with which we have been cooperating for a long time and have become big friends. The company has done a lot of good things – it is helping the sick, children and older people. And, of course, the company is providing the young talents with a great support.
Indeed, the projects, aimed to support culture, are especially significant for the company. One of the major projects was an exhibition of paintings of the outstanding artists of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia – “The land, heated by the sun”.   The company has also sponsored a book of “Bibigul Tulegenova: to love, to hope and to believe” by I. Serkebayeva, which is the first book, written based on memories of Bibigul Tulegenova about her life and career as a singer. One of the bright events was “Pearls of France – French art and culture since Renaissance till present days” exhibition. 
Nauryz is a holiday of peace, creation and consent; this is the time when hearts are open towards the whole world, the good defeats the evil and the mind becomes brighter. Let an eternally young Nauryz holiday add us all the power, fill us with the sun energy and urge us for the new good deeds. During this beautiful time we are ready to conquer new heights, are open for love and are simply becoming happier. And let this spring fall in our minds with something special. Those who visited a marvelous concert – “Nauryz with Bibigul Tulegenova” have already experienced the special to remember.