The RK Prime Minister K. Massimov visited PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP

Within the framework of his working visit to South Kazakhstan Oblast the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, K. Massimov, visited PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP .

The Head of the Government had a look at production operations and the progress of the Shymkent Refinery Reconstruction and Modernization Project.

In accordance with its Modernization Program the refinery is busy constructing new process units, such as an Isomerization Unit with an annual capacity of 600 thous. tons and an RFCC Catalytic Cracker for processing of fuel oil and vacuum gas oil with an annual capacity of 2.0 million tons per year, to produce high-octane motor fuels.

The PKOP Modernization Project is being implemented in two stages. At the first stage it is planned to launch the production of motor fuels complying with K4 and K5 emission standards (analogs of Euro-4 and Euro-5) in accordance with requirements of the Customs Union’s Technical Regulation.

To date, under the Shymkent Refinery Modernization Program, 6,785 cubic meters of concrete (67%) have been laid at the Isomerization Unit. 110 equipment items (74%) and 3,400 tons of metal structures (96%) have been installed in the unit. Pipings are being manufactured and pipelines are being installed. 1,454 people are engaged in the construction and installation scope under the project.

The second modernization stage is intended for increasing the refinery overall capacity to 6 million tons of crude oil per year and the oil conversion ratio. At this stage the refinery equipment will be expanded to include an RFCC Catalytic Cracker, a Prime G+ Gasoline Hydrotreater, a Merox Saturated and Unsaturated Gas Treatment Unit, a Hydrogen Treatment Unit and others.

Once the second stage is completed, the production of high-octane gasolines at the refinery will increase to 2,270 thousand tons per year, of diesel – to 1,916 thousand tons per year, and of jet fuel – to 400 thousand tons per year. The share of high-octane gasolines will reach 100%.

Overall the project covers construction and revamp of 11 process units and 29 off-site facilities.

Within the framework of the Program in December of 2015 a grassroots Sulfur Production Unit with a capacity of 4 thousand tons a year was put into operation. New jobs were opened and training in the new technology was provided. The unit is designed to recycle acid gases which were earlier flared and to produce sulfur with purity exceeding 99.9 % wt.

In the course of the meeting the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave some instructions regarding timely and meaningful implementation of plans under the Refinery Modernization Project.