The heart given to children

Yuzhnyi Kazakhstan (Shymkent), No 67 (18609), 05.06.2009

Smiles Make a Dark Day Brighter /N.Kazorina/

‘Mama Gulyaikhan!’ children cry out rushing to G.Yemberdiyeva.

‘Aren’t you jealous?’ I asked the Director of Sairam Orphanage No.4, Galina Abdukadyrova, because kids usually call her mama.

‘No, I am glad that my kids get this kind of parents. The word “mama” is associated in their minds with care, attention and lack of indifference. And when they feel all of that, they open their hearts to such dear words as “mama”, “farther”, “friend”…

Look, what a wonderful portrait they made by a wood-burning technique for the Vice-President of PetroKazakhstan B.Issengaliyev…’

The portrait looks great from an artistic viewpoint: the authors depicted B.Issengaliyev together with orphanage children in the way photos of families with many children are usually made. This involuntarily expressed dream causes a pinching feeling of both mercy and joy. It is felt especially well after you read the caption: “To dear Bakhyt Iztleuovich – a loyal friend of children from Sairam Orphanage with thanks for his parental care”.

“The Heart Given to Children” is not only the name of the action that the company held in honor of the Children Protection Day together with the committee for women affairs and family and demographic policy at the SKO Akimat. It has become one of the priorities within the framework of the corporate social responsibility long ago. And year after year the volume of support and assistance provided for children is growing. Until recently we knew PetroKazakhstan Oil Products TOO as a caring patron and a generous sponsor for Sairam Orphanage No.4 and Shymkent Ballet School. Later the list was expanded to include the “Mother and Child” Center providing cure to HIV-infected infants. And starting from this year the company spread its parental wing over rural kindergartens and the infants’ house. That is why the celebration of the Children Protection Day lasted for three days. On May 29-30th  and June 1st the secretary and members of the committee D.Mamanova, S.Bektengaliyeva, O.Li and representatives of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products G.Yemberdiyeva and Ye.Zhumadil were rendering their congratulations on the holiday and presenting wonderful sets of toys to 15 rural kindergartens in 15 districts of SKO, and similar gifts were presented to the “Mother and Child” Center together with kid tables and chairs purchased through Kazsnabobrazovaniye. Vacuum cleaners also went to the infants’ house and the orphanage. And the last gift was 1.5 million tenge for purchasing of furniture for the bedroom building which is currently under repair. Certainly the kids also got sweets, because there can not be a holiday without sweets. But the kids did something too – they tried to amuse patrons and guests with their talents. However, for each adult even a simple happy smile was the best recognition of his generous impulses. Sometimes it takes so little to bring joy to a kid. A popular song says: “Share your smile and it will come back to you many times”. But one can also share his kindness, love and care. All of them will surely come back hundreds of times. And in this case we will not have to grumble and wonder why this generation, which we call “next”, is showing so much indifference, cruelty and disrespect to the older generation and the past of the country. So, please be quick in doing good things, like it is done by PetroKazakhstan Company and all its subdivisions. Vice-presidents B.Issengaliyev (PetroKazakhstan), A.Akishev and Jiang Shi (PetroKazakhstan Oil Products) have become real “ukili ake” for many South Kazakhstan children. As they understand their responsibility for the future of this country and know that protection of childhood is everybody’s business.

On the eve of the holiday I argued with an advanced manager. He insisted that only creative slogans can motivate you for good deeds, rather than such soviet slogans as “Be quick in doing good things” or “Protection of childhood is everybody’s business”. I felt uncomfortable to remind him that the first phrase was copied by soviet ideologists from a medieval poet, and that it’s not a slogan that motivates you to act, but the kindness of your soul, generosity of your heart and the pain you feel knowing that there are orphans or just unhappy and poor kids living in your country. I thank PetroKazakhstan Company that does not need to be begged or asked to do good things. In the crisis situation it did not reduce its financing of social programs. The weather also did not prevent it from visiting the places. And the smiles made a dark day brighter.