On June 24, 2016 at Aryskum oilfield within the framework of the month of safety, labor protection, industrial safety, and environmental protection there was held a competition “Best shop on Safety”.  The competition turned into an interesting event, where each workshop tried to prove that the safety – is a top priority in the workplace. It is constantly formed at the workplace by the efforts and work of the whole team of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC and its contractors.

The event was attended by 5 teams of 4 people each: Kumkol CPF (Mirambekov Alimzhan, Igenov Zhubanysh, Aitkulov Rauan, Samgunov Nurlan); Kumkol Technological Department (Shermahanov Sabit, Asanov Nurlan, Kilibayev Almat, Kaltayev Abai); Kumkol CDNG (Kuperbayev Rustem, Abdussadykov Talgat, Umarov Altynbek, Dosmanov Shazatkhan); KAM CGF (Kulmakhanov Farid, Kemalov Yerkiң, Ospanov Rakhmanberdі, Imanbekov Yerzhan); KAM Collector System (Beysov Azamat, Abdrazakov Ruslan, Bekmambetov Rodislav, Askar Yerbol).

Knowledge and efforts of the participants have been evaluated by impartial jury, which consisted of the following people:
Qin Hongwei, Chairperson of the Board of Governors;
Shang Weizhong, Technical Head, Safety and Labor Protection;
Adil Bekliyev – Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors, HSE;

Bruce Anderson – Production Director,

Torybai Iztleuyov – Head, HSE;

Ruslan Moldashev – Squad commander of Kyzylorda Gas Rescue Services;
Bekbol Syzdykbayev – Representative of the Trade Union;
Talgat Pazylbekov – Representative of Interteach.

The event was opened by the Chairperson of the Board of Governors, PKKR JSC Mr. Qin Hongwei. On behalf of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources   he greeted all the participants of the annual competition for the title “Best shop on Safety” among the production business units of the Company and noted that an important role in the Company is given to the work on “Korgau” project on improving of HSE management system, aimed at improving the safety culture and increasing the responsibility of line managers on places in the field of safety and labor protection.

This competition held within the framework of the month of HSE this year, is another indication of this serious and responsible work.

Also, he added that the decline of the world oil prices is one of the main difficulties of this year. But, despite the difficulties of the crisis period, the Company has not made a cutting of jobs and salaries of employees. Moreover, the successful result of negotiations between the Administration of the Company and the Trade Union Committee was the joint signing of the new Collective Agreement, aimed at improving the welfare of employees. Mr. Qin Hongwei thanked the whole team for their understanding and cooperation extended in this work, as well as for their dedicated work to the benefit of the company and wished everybody good health and success, as well as good luck in the competition to the teams representing their departments.

About the importance and relevance of compliance with safety rules said the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors, HSE – Adil Bekliyev. He noted that the labor protection begins with a conscious attitude of each person to his own safety. The purpose of the competition is to determine the best business unit –on labor protection, the best – on the knowledge and practical skills for safety and labor protection. He wished all participants success and good luck!

The competition was consisted of five tours. In the first tour “Rechevka” there were sounded themed slogans and mottos. The 2nd practical tour “Self-contained breathing apparatus” was aimed at testing of the accuracy and speed of putting on and putting off of the air-breathing apparatus. One member from each team has participated in this tour. Good practical skills have been demonstrated by the representative of  KAM CGF in this tour.

The 3d theoretical tour included 20 questions on industrial safety, HSE and “Korgau” project. Kumkol CPF and KAM Collector Systems teams have distinguished in this tour.

In the 4th tour “Safety Contact” there was presented photos with violations at work to each team. The main task was to find out more violations on safety. All teams perfectly coped with the task, showing similar results, demonstrating a high level of knowledge and scoring the same points.

In the 5th tour “Provide first aid” there was given a practical task with a description of the accident and the risk of injury to each team. Participants had to demonstrate the skills of first aid and describe the steps to provide first aid. In this tour the three teams were the best – KAM Collector Systems, KAN CGF and Kumkol CPF.

Eventually, by results of five tours KAM Collector Systems team scored the highest number of points and won the first place. In second place – the team of Kumkol CPF and third place went to Kumkol Technological Group team.

The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.

The competition “The best shop on Safety” will be held annually, as a good motivation for everyone and promoting the involvement of the employee in Safety issues and improvement of safety culture.