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PKOP LLP strives for rational use of water resources. On July 1, 2019 KazMunayGas officially announced its intention to contribute to the conservation of water resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. PKOP LLP reaffirmed its commitment to rational water resources management (8 water principles of KMG). This initiative was supported by the CEOs of PKOP LLP.

PKOP LLP has developed and implemented water protection measures of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP. (Basin Agreement for the Restoration and Protection of Water Bodies of the Aral-Syrdarya Basin).

Technical water supply at the refinery is provided from three water supply sources:

The first source of technical water is Water Resources- Marketing LLP, i.e. quality of drinking water.
The second source of water supply for technological needs of the refinery is water from the refinery own wells (own water intake), according to the Permit for production of industrial and technical underground water № KZ10RTE00113314.
The third source of water supply with technical water since 2016 is MC Ontustik SEZ JSC. Technical water is supplied to the refinery through water ducts of MC Ontustik SEZ JSC.
Water consumption for one’s own needs, m3/t of processed hydrocarbons 2020 2021 2022
1,14 1,021 0,88

Water disposal at PKOP LLP:

Production facilities of the refinery have the following sewerage systems: household and domestic sewage system, production and storm waste waters. The refinery has two production and storm waste waters:
Neutral oil-containing effluents from new process units, such as bottom water, washing water, storm water, process condensate is discharged into the first system of production and storm wastewaters. Chemically contaminated effluents, blow-down effluents, ultra-filtration wastes from water treatment plant, and stripped acid waste waters are discharged into the second system of production and storm wastewaters. Waste water of I and II systems undergo separate parallel mechanical and physical-chemical treatment in grit catchers, oil traps, radial-flow settling tanks and flotators. The treatment facilities are designed for treatment of effluents contaminated with oil products and suspended substances.

The receiver of production waste water of the Refinery PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP is an evaporation pond located in Ordabassy region of Turkestan oblast. The site of the evaporation pond is a land plot 13-15 km to the south-east of Arys. The site is located 5-7 km to the south of Yntymak village in sparsely populated desolate area. Three different-level evaporator ponds are separated by uniform bulk earth dams. The area of water surface of evaporator ponds is 78.22 hectares. Including the first pond – 16.0 hectares, the second pond – 25.72 hectares and the third pond – 36.5 hectares.