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  1. Certificate of compliance with ISO 14001:2015 (open)
  2. Certificate of compliance with ST RK ISO 50001:2012 (open)
PKOP LLP developed, implemented, maintains and constantly improves the Environmental Management System (EMS). There is a certificate for compliance with the international standard ISO 14001:2015. The Policy of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP in the field of quality, occupational safety, environmental protection, energy saving and energy efficiency improvement has been developed.
In order to implement the PKOP LLP Policy with regard to environmental protection, as well as to ensure environmental safety related to the impact on environmental condition of the region, every year PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP sets the goals and objectives for environmental safety. The surveillance and re-certification audits for compliance with the ISO 14001:2015 requirements are carried out on a regular basis. Every year an analysis of EMS functioning is carried out; the quantitative indicators of EMS performance are reflected in the company’s reports.

The basis for EMS is application of a process approach that ensures continuous management and emphasizes the importance of:

understanding and meeting the requirements

need to consider processes in terms of added value

achieving planned results

continuous improvement of processes based on objective measurement


identified and applies the criteria and methods (including monitoring, measurement and related performance indicators), necessary to ensure the efficient functioning and management of processes
identified and makes available the resources required for these processes
allocated the duties, responsibilities and authorities with respect to these processes
evaluates relevant processes and, if necessary, makes changes to ensure achievement of the intended results by processes
Considering that the relation between the ecological aspects and environmental impact is a link between cause and consequence, as well as that any environmental aspect relates to an element of the Enterprise’s activities, which may have an impact on the environment, the Enterprise has developed and maintains procedure DP-13-01-15 “Definition of essential environmental aspects” that defines the methodology for identification and determination of the significance level of the environmental aspects of the Enterprise’s activities.
Identification of the environmental aspects of activity, identification of essential aspects among them, assessment of their characteristics is carried out in order to determine the priorities of environmental activity of PKOP LLP, to develop environmental measures, to justify planned measures on negative impact reduction of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP’s performance on the environment.

Identification of environmental aspects and identification of the essential ones among them is a continuous process that determines the past, present and potential impact of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP’s activity on environment.

The results of the environmental aspects assessment are drawn up in the form of “Register of Essential Environmental Aspects”, which are the registered data of EMS, and serve the basis for development of the environmental objectives and programs.
Responsibility for the organization of the procedure for identification of the environmental aspects in PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP is assigned to the Department of Health, Safety and Environment, including the definition of essential environmental aspects; the formation, approval and communication to the Top management of “Register of Essential Environmental Aspects”.

An unscheduled review of the register of identified environmental aspects is carried out in the following cases:

implementation of new or improvement of old processes

mastering of new technologies or new equipment

implementation of new products, new projects

development of new types of raw materials, etc.

In order to comply with the law regarding the environmental protection, PKOP LLP monitors the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other regulatory documents and requirements applicable to the activities of the Enterprise.
Ensuring the legislative and other requirements applicable to the environmental protection activities is a part of the integrated management system of PKOP LLP. In this regard, a documented procedure  DP-10-03 “Requirements of legislative acts and other requirements. Conformity Assessment” has been developed, implemented and is maintained, which establishes the procedure for identification and access to the legislative and other environmental requirements, as well as updating this information. All applicable legislative and other requirements were taken into account when developing EMS. On the basis of the adopted Policy, PKOP LLP guarantees their application.
PKOP LLP continuously brings to the attention of the relevant personnel, managed by PKOP LLP, and all concerned parties the applicable requirements.

ccording to DP-10-03 “Requirements of legislative acts and other requirements. Compliance assessment.”, PKOP LLP:

The enterprise plans its further activities taking into account identified risks and opportunities (SWOT-analysis), essential environmental aspects (register of essential environmental aspects), assumed obligations (list of legislative and regulatory acts applicable to activities of PKOP LLP on environmental protection. The results of this planning are development plans, business plans, budget, and production plan.
PKOP LLP has developed and implements the process of monitoring and measurement of EMS processes in accordance with the requirements of procedure DP-13-01-19 “Organization of environmental control”. EMS processes are monitored and measured in order to assess the state of processes and to demonstrate their capability to achieve planned results. Monitoring results serve as source data for the development and implementation of the corrective and preventive actions.
Measurements of all indicators, important for environmental protection, are carried out by the refinery laboratory with the periodicity in accordance with the approved time – schedules. Also, all measurements can be carried out by external organizations possessing the license for carrying out of such measurements, which are to be carried out both at the request of PKOP LLP, and at the request of external control organizations.
PKOP LLP has an instrumental measuring base both for monitoring the quality of crude oil and oil products, and monitoring the parameters of production processes.
Metrological support of production is carried out at PKOP LLP to ensure reliability of measurement results.

All measuring instruments shall undergo:

periodic calibration or verification
adjustment and alignment
maintenance and repair
Storage and operation of monitoring and measurement devices provides protection against damage and unauthorized interference in their operation.
In case of revealing the failure of monitoring and measurement devices, they are to be removed from the places of use, and the results of measurements, which were carried out using such monitoring and measurement devices, are to be re-checked using the serviceable equipment. The results of repeated measurements and monitoring shall be documented and registered. Faulty monitoring and measurement devices are to be repaired or replaced.
Documented information on calibration, maintenance, and measurement results is to be maintained in working order.
Registration of these monitoring results is regulated by the requirements of the applicable regulatory documentation. All information on the results of monitoring is systematized in the Environmental Team.
In the regions of production activity of PKOP LLP there is no local population, leading traditional way of life.