PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP

PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP
The Shymkent Refinery celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2015. The Refinery met its anniversary with a full-scale modernization of production capacities, as a result of which the crude processing depth will increase to 80%.  The crude throughput in the Refinery is planned to be increased to 6 million tpa; the gasoline yield will increase threefold, at that, all gasoline will meet Euro-4 and Euro-5 ecological quality standards.  
The Shymkent Refinery is a sole oil refinery located in the South Kazakhstan, the most densely populated part of the Republic. Considering a favorable geographical location and high technical capabilities, the Company has all prerequisites for ensuring delivery of high quality products, both to the domestic and foreign markets. 
The PKOP refinery Modernization Project is implemented in 2 stages. At the first stage it is planned to master output of K4 and K5 ecological class motor fuels (analogues of Euro-4 and Euro-5), according to the Customs Union Technical Regulation requirements.  For this purpose, the existing process units are being revamped and the new ones are being constructed at the company: Isomerization Unit with Feedstock Pre-Hydrotreatment Block, 4000 tpa capacity Sulfur Production Unit, Diesel Fuel Hydrotreatment Unit revamping. After their commissioning, all refinery products will get the marking for compliance with Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards.
The second modernization stage aims to increase the crude oil processing depth to 80%.  At this stage, the Company’s arsenal will be replenished with such Units as: RFCC Catalytic Cracker, Prime G+ Gasoline Hydrotreatment, Sulfur Production Unit, Hydrogen Treatment and other Units. Upon completion of the second stage, the refinery’s high-octane gasoline yield will increase from 652 to 2.270 thous. tpa, diesel fuel  – from 1.192 to 1.916 thous. tpa,   and jet fuel – from 254 to 400 thous. tpa. The share of high-octane gasoline production will make 100% in the yield pool. The Projects’ completion is planned for the 4th qtr of 2017.
Since the establishment in 1985, the Company has been focused on ensuring of ecologically safe   production. The location of the Company imposes a wide responsibility, which the Company specialists are fully aware of. That is why, every year PKOP LLP has been conducting a goal-oriented policy to reduce the industrial impact on the environment of the region where it operates.
The Company invests in environmental protection measures on an annual basis. In 2015, the costs for protection of atmospheric air and climate amounted to 347,089.0 thous. tenge, for protection of water resources from sewage pollution – 2,703,556.0 thous. tenge, for waste management –  943.8 thous. tenge. At that, the Company is committed to the principle that the costs are nothing, if they do not bring the most important thing, which is the result. One may throw billions to the wind, and never achieve the planned targets, whereas the other may build the policy on ecologization of the production based on deep analysis and achieve law-governed, planned and expected results. Achievement of sanitary safe standards is ensured. The refinery laboratory conducts the quality analysis of the refinery production waste water, as well as the air analysis in the production premises and in the sanitary protection zone of the refinery. No exceeding of the sanitary-hygienic standards of the pollutants has been registered. The instrumental measurements of pollutant emissions from the fixed emission sources are conducted on a 10-day basis. There are no exceedings of the established environmental emission rates.
The main ecological concerns of the Company have been solved or at the stage of resolution, and will be fully settled in the coming years.
Upon commissioning of the 4000 tpa capacity Sulfur Production Unit, the dioxide emissions- the most pollutant substance of the production, will approximately be decreased by 20%. The operational efficiency of the Treatment Facilities on oil products makes 97.3%, on mechanical impurities -75.9%, on Biological Oxygen Demand (full) -76.3%, on phenols -91%. PKOP has achieved such significant results by introducing the world’s best practices into production aimed at preservation of ecological balance in the industrial regions. General environmental activity trends
PKOP conducts its environmental activity in three directions: 
• Maximum transparency of the ecological information; • Development of efficient integrated management system of quality, ecology, health and labor protection  ;• Maximum ecologization of the production process with an ambitious goal of achieving a waste-free production.Within the frameworks of the integrated management system, PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP has developed, implemented, and maintains in operable condition and constantly improves the following management systems:
• Safety and Health Protection Management System (S&HPMS), as required by International OHSAS 18001:2007 standard requirements. Introduced in 2009. Certificate #2010/36323.2, valid from 11.12.2012 through 11.12.2018.
• Energy Management System, as required by ISO 50001:2012 RK SR national standard requirements. Introduced in 2014. The ISO 50001:2012 RK SR Energy Management System compliance certificate  is obtained.  Certificate #KZ.71009433.07.03.00398 of 02.04.2014, valid until 02.04.2017.
• In July 2015, a certification audit was successfully conducted to check PKOP activity compliance with the Quality Management System requirements (QMS), in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 International standard requirements.

The internal audits in the structural subdivisions of the refinery for compliance with ISO 14001:2004 Ecological Management System, OHSAS 18001:2007 and 50001-2012 RK SR Energy Management System are conducted as per the internal audits program, agreed and approved by top management. 
Environmental Management Standards
• Ecological Management System (EMS), as required by ISO 14001:2004 International Standard requirements. Introduced in 2008. The Company has the Ecological Management System compliance certificate in the following sphere of activity:  “Processing, transportation and storage of crude oil and oil products” #2008/32179.2 of AFNOR Certification International Company. The Certificate is valid until 03.09.2017.

Up to date, the ecological aspects of all production processes have been identified, the risks have been evaluated, and the preventive measures have been determined. The equipment items have been ranged based on the environmental hazard degree in case of deviations from their standard mode of operation. The input streams of the most ecologically hazard substances in the feedstock, as well as the chemicals for production processes, are being controlled quantitatively.
The monitoring system for environmental (atmospheric air, water and land recourses, greenery, snow cover, radiation state) pollutant emissions and for natural environment state is in operation in the Company. An instrumental control of impact is exercised by own Lab for Water and Air Monitoring and Chemicals. High resolution capacity of this system ensures taking timely measures to prevent any deviations.
The Management System effectiveness is checked on a quarterly basis, as well as during internal and external audits, and during annual analysis conducted by the top management. It is planned to constantly improve the management system, while determining new tasks. The Company has implemented the integrated management system of quality, ecology, energy and labor protection.