Nauryz is one of the brightest and favorite holidays of multinational Kazakhstan, embodying incoming  of spring, the renewal of nature, the beginning of a new year, a new life. On this day, the whole country celebrates Nauryz. “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources” JSC also shared this cheerful event. At two oilfields – Kumkol and Aryskum, in the head office of “PKKR” JSC Oilmen celebrated Nauryz Holiday.

Nauryz – Holiday in Aryskum

In March 19, the oilmen of the Aryskum field celebrated the bright holiday Nauryz. In the sports complex of  Kazhimukana covered a generous dastarkhan with an indispensable attribute of the event  – Nauryz kozhe  and sweets. Before the beginning of the solemn part, sports competitions took place: lifting weights, arm wrestling, playing lyanka, tug-of-rope.
In the sports competitions the prizes took: 
By tug of -rope: out of ten teams, the following teams shared the prizes:
1st place – Workover  (PKKR), 2nd place – CGF  (PKKR), 3rd place- CPF (PKKR).
Arm wrestling: Zinandinov Dauren, a contractor of the CNEC LLP, took the 1st place in the wrestling contest among the 10 participants; Yereshepbaev Adilkhan, employee of the contractor,  Emergency Situations Department, took the 2nd place, Ermekeshov Bakyt, driver internal combustion engines of the CGF, Kyzylkiya.

25 kg kettlebell lifting: 1 place – Torekozhaev Dauren, employee of the contract organization LLP “Bastau” (60 times), 2 nd place – Junusov Farhad, oil and gas operator 4 categories  Ayrskum field  (22 times); 3 place – Esenjolov Maksutbek, compressor engineer of the 6th grade, Aryskum  field  (20 times) and Omykov Kambar, employee of the contracting company  “Nursat Bauyr”  TOO (20 times).
On lyanga game: 1st place – Omykov Kambar, employee of the contractor  TOO “Nursat Bauyr” (26 times), 2nd place – Nurtazaev Sabit, Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 4th category  Kyzylkiya field (18 times), 3rd place – Zhalmuratov Bolat, employee of contract “CNEC” TOO  (7 times).

The solemn part began with the congratulatory speech of  Tleubergen Shautai, Head of the capital construction department, who wished the oilmen happiness, health, and labor successes in the coming new year. In a solemn atmosphere Tleubergen Shautai presented memorable gifts to the winners of sports competitions.      

Within the framework of the festive event, the contest “Dombra  Party” was held. Their skill was demonstrated by five participants who performed songs accompanied by dombra. The audience applauded and cheered their colleagues and enjoyed the magic sounds of the beloved folk instrument of our ancestors. According to the results of the competition, Shalabaev Erbol, the chief of the guard of the fire safety department of the  Kyzylkiya field , took the first place, the second place was shared by Maseleyeva Zhanar, employee of the KNS contractor and Aldabergenov Bauyrzhan, employee of the contractor “CNEC” LLP, Kopzhasarov Sharhan, engine driver, CGF,  Aryskum and Nurkozhaev Gabit, Specialist Support Service, Aryskum field.

A real gift (surprise) for oilmen  was the performance of the famous pop singer, Honored Artist of the RK Gulnur Orazymbetova. Master of the ceremony Bayan Bekturganova and the center of the festive events “Sirgalym” pleased colleagues and guests with entertainment contests and a dance program.

Spring Holiday celebrated in Kumkol field

And Kumkol people couldn’t stand aside and were a part of the fete. On March 20, in front of camp, a snow-white yurt was built and a sports program was prepared. Next to the yurts tables were laid with traditional dishes. Further sports competitions continued kettlebell lifting, arm-wrestling, tug-of-rope, “audaryspah” and “lyangi tebu”. Prize places were given to: 
25 kg kettlebell lifting: 1st place – Sarsenbaev Ayan, employee of the contract company  LLP “Mobil Group” (45 times), 2nd place – Tolegen Meirzhan, contractor (28 times), 3rd place – Tenizbai Ruslan, contractor ( 25 times).
In arm-wrestling: 1st place – Tolegen Meirzhan, contractor, 2nd place – Zhienebaev Dauren, oil and gas production operator 3rd grade,  Kumkol, 3rd place – Berdaly Besanov, contractor.

Audarspak: 1st place – Begaliyev Bekzat, employee of contractor, 2 nd place – Sarsenbaev Ayan, employee of contractor, 3rd place – Zhaiykh, employee of contractor. 
By tug of rope: 1st place – Team of Production technology, 2nd place – Team of the contract company  “Technics of East International Oil”, 3rd place – Team of the contracting  company  “CNEC” TOO.
Lyanga: 1st  place – Boranbaev Kylishbek, employee of the contract company (18 times), 2nd  place – Kozhagulov Bakhyt, contractor  (15 times), 3rd  place – Temirbek Bakhyt, contractor     (14 times).

The solemn festive part of the program was continued after the sporting events in the club. Mr. Qin Hongwei, Chairperson of the Board “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources” AO congratulated the team on the spring Nauryz holiday. “The company celebrates Nauryz with good production performance – thanks to tight work of the team, working for the benefit of the company in all areas of work, the production plan was completed last year.
We face new challenges in replenishing the company’s resource base through geological exploration and growth of new assets of PetroKazakhstan. The bright holiday of Nauryz is a holiday of unity, peace, kindness and happiness. I wish you good health, success and family well-being. “- noted in his congratulations Qin Hongwei.

After that, “Dombyra Party” contest was held, in which four employees of PKKR and contracting company took part. As a result of the competition, Turmaganbetova Nurgul,  contractor of the  “CAC” TOO  took 1st place; second place – Muratbaev Gani, “ESS int” Contractor, Zhangirov Isahan, laboratory assistant of the chemical analysis of the 3rd grade Kumkol  field and Aishaubekova Gulmira, employee of the contracting company  “CAC” TOO  shared the 3rd place.

The concert program  was demonstrated by   a famous singer, Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulnur Orazymbetova, Bayan Bekturganova, dance group “Samyruk”. 

Celebration of Nauryz in Kyzylorda office 

In March 20 in the sports complex of “PetroKazakhstan” Nauryz Holiday celebrated for the city employees of the company. On a generous festive dastarkhan were: Nauryz  kozhe, plov, salads, bauyrsak, lepeshky, sweets and other meals.

Qin Hongwei, Chairperson of the Board of “PKKR” JSC and Eleusyn  Duisenov Chairman of the Trade Union Committee  made  a welcoming speech in honor of Nauryz holiday. 

The festive program was conducted by our colleagues Orynbasar Abdulaev and Aizhan Tolybekova. Within the framework of the event, Anar Kapanova, translator of Kolzhan LLP, was awarded with memorable gifts for the best national costumes; Rosa Bakisheva, Deputy Head of the Tax Department; Nurzhamal Turebaeva, production engineer; Nurlan Kudabekov, Manager of the KAM-CPF -Aryskum pipeline; Batyrbek Medetbaev, Senior  translator  and Erlan Ibraev, Manager HSE,  Kolzhan TOO.

City wide events

In March 22, solemn events dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz took place on the Central Square for residents and guests of the Oblast center with the participation of the head of the Oblast  Krymbek Kusherbayev. Oblast administrations, large companies, banking structures and other institutions installed yurts with a festive dastarkhan and organized a musical performance.

The company “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources” annually participates in the citywide event. Honorable public figures and veterans of the Oblast Sanimkul Zhelderbaeva, Ualiyeva Gulzhamal, Aidosova Nesip, Tokmagambetova Ayagoz  Veterans  of the oil industry Eskozha Bergenbaev, Nagmanov Doldas, Ramberdieva Aikumis, Beimbetvoa Bolgan and other guests were invited to the yurt.