Oil and gas presence detected in basement deposits at the Kumkol oil field

Oil and gas bearing capacity has been detected in basement deposits at the Kumkol oil field. «The discovery of new reserves at the active Kumkol oil field is particularly remarkable. Oil and gas presence was detected in basement deposits as a result of drilling», Abdulla Abenov, director, capital construction and new projects, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, has said. According to him, « Paleozoic basement deposits are very promising, which signifies another success in terms of renewal of the company’s resource base». «This non-traditional direction of geological works will undoubtedly help expand our ideas about the possible mechanism and sequence of formation of oil and gas deposits in the basement and increase [the company’s] reserves, as a final result», Abenov said.

«The success of geological exploration works held on the licensed territory is confirmed by detection of such structures as Belkuduk, Ketekazgan, Akzhar, Western Zhanbyrshy, Taskuduk and so on. It justified continuing drilling works there in 2011 and exploration of new reserves of hydrocarbons in the Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits», Khussain Sarsenbayev, PR-manager of PPKR, said.

«We discovered a new stratigrapically complex structure on the Zhamansu territory based on the results of interpretation of new seismic data. We plan to specify the positioning of the tectonic faults, clarify the degree of their influence on formation of traps for oil and gas deposits, their positioning on the stratigraphic and hypsometric plans, and discover zones with potential new reserves», Agzam Sharmenov, geologist of the Geology and Geophysics Department of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, said. According to him, «well #1 was drilled at the Zhanbyrshy structure, on the Southern Aksay arch slope facing the Aksay system. The basement was tapped at the depth of 715m. The minimum basement depth reaches 500m from surface. Based on the results of geophysical explorations of the Zhanbyrshy 1 well, an oil saturated reservoir is discovered in the interval of 455-530m. The efficient oil saturated thickness is 22m. During testing in the interval of 513-527m, thick oil was produced by method of swabbing».

“The section of the Zhanbyrshy structure shows complete absence of Jurassic deposits, Lower Cretaceous and partially lower part of Upper Cretaceous deposits. The oil reservoir is located in the capt-alba layers of Upper Cretaceous deposits”, he said. “Thus in view of the yielding capacity of Paleozoic and the Aptian deposits, the stratigraphical range of the proven oil and gas bearing reservoir (Jurassic, Cretaceous) of the Southern Turgay arch was expanded”, Abenov added. 

 The Southern Aksay arch is classified as a large structure that has not been well studied by seismic exploration and has not been studied by drilling. The first well Zhanbyrshy #1 shows the perspective capacity of the Southern Aksay arch that may host successful and intensive exploration works and be home to the region’s large fields containing significant oil reserves and requiring few geological exploration and development expenses», Sharmenov concluded.

/Kassym Kazbekov/