Official visit of a delegation of China Petroleum University (Beijing)

On July 23 in Kyzylorda oblast arrived with official visit a delegation of China Petroleum University (Beijing) headed by president of the university, professor Zhang Lybing and director of international relations department, professor Sun Suidun. Within the frameworks of business trip the heads of China Petroleum University and Kyzylorda State University after Korkyt Ata met with young specialists of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources AO – graduates of China Petroleum University by scholarship program of PetroKazakhstan.

A roundtable discussion was in friendly and informal atmosphere. Mr. Qin Hongwei, Chairperson of the Board PKKR AO opened the meeting. He told of company history, its achievements and further development perspectives. The words of gratitude to the native university not only for obtained profession, but also for acquired skills to form active living position, ability to work with people, for best years of their lives – studentship and career achievements – expressed the graduates of China Petroleum University of the previous years – geophysicist of geology and geophysics department Erken Umbetkulov and technologist of KAM o/f Dinara Kakhaeva, specialist trainee Duman Kasenov, personnel specialist Аkjanar Smailova etc.

President of China Petroleum University Mr. Chang Lyabing wished to his ex-graduates to remain as single-minded as before. To the warm words of Chinese guest joined the rector of KSU after Korkyt Ata Kylyshbay Bisenov.  Deputy chairperson of the board on human resources and administration Sufiya Daminova thanked the heads of Chinese Petroleum University for support given by them within Scholarship program, and on behalf of company awarded the guests mementos. The meeting ended with traditional photo session.