Nobody and nothing is forgotten!

Annually, on February 13 in festive atmosphere the leadership of “PetroKazakhstan Oil Products” LLP congratulates Afghan War veterans, the employees of the Refinery, on the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. Thus,  in this year 2015 our old friends, the representatives of RK Association of Veterans of Afghan War and Local Wars of South Kazakhstan Oblast and Shymkent.
Widows of refinery’s former internationalist soldiers were invited as well came to PetroKazakhstan. Good health and fruitful work – wished management of PKOP, LLP to all Afghan War Veterans.
  Group of Afghan War Veterans consisted of 14 people had been led by Baktybek
Kaldykozov, Elected Chairman of PKOP Afghan War Veterans Council.
        Traditionally PKOP, LLP allocate means for celebration of  the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, for 3 days, money reward to Afghan war veterans and annually provide free vouchers for  treatment rest to sanatorium.