New internal policy in action

The new policy announced by PetroKazakhstan president, Mr Bo Qiliang, which calls for employees to be more active, open and democratic within the company, has begun to bear fruit.

In line with the policy, a working group, “Tamak” was set up in the spring of this year to control catering and maintenance services. The group, which was approved by Bruce Anderson – Director of Field Operations Kumkol & KAM, is made up of representatives of several PKKR units and divisions.

The group meets twice a month and anyone present may be sure that any discussion of important issues with CIS representatives is always constructive. A mutual understanding was reached as a result of the exchange of opinions, which has led to a marked improvement in the quality of the food and service at the Kumkol deposit.

The group also raised the issue of improvements to cultural activities, celebratory concerts and the renewal of library books at Kumkol.