Joy Begins with a Smile

Holiday gifts for kids should be not only a New Year or June 1, it is important that the smallest of Kazakhstani citizens felt daily care of both the State and private companies pursuing systematic policy in the field of corporate social responsibility. There are such companies in our Oblast. Over the last seven years, Women, Family and Demographic Policy Commission under SKO Akim’s Office and South Kazakhstan Regional Center for Support of Women and Children together with PetroKazakhstan carry out charity events entitled as “Women of Kazakhstan Against Poverty” and “Childhood Protection is Everybody’s Concern.” These are aimed to implement public policy for the advancement of women and kids.

These efforts caused strong feedback not only in the SKO, but throughout the country.

Erkin kindergarten for disabled children welcomed guests under Childhood Protection is Everybody’s Concern effort which is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s Independence this year. Music Hall barely accommodated all the guests, after all, except public associations and Akim’s office representatives, and PKOP PR Department staff, the celebration was attended by the Municipal Education Department Head, J. Tazhieva, heads of other kindergartens, music teachers, and most importantly, the kids who prepared musical performances. The concert was amazing. Children danced, sang, demonstrated sportsmanship, and read poetry. They did it with an inspiration that brought tears of joy and emotion.

The reason for the Erkin event was serious.

“For many years, PetroKazakhstan has been funding a number of charitable projects instigated by SKO women and children support center and Women, Family and Demographic Policy Commission under SKO Akim’s Office. 2011 was marked by large-scale projects aimed to provide modern medical equipment to more than 30 medical institutions. G. Emberdiyeva, Senior PR Coordinator of PKOP, reported that more than 20 educational institutions for disabled children, including kindergartens and boarding schools, had received computers, refrigerators, printers (printer-scanner-copier), sports equipment, washing machines, logic toys under Give Joy to Kids effort.

Representatives of public associations O. Lee, D. Mamanova and Commission representative K. Bekenova emphasized usefulness and importance of the event. Then it was turn to thank the celebration organizers. Heads of kindergartens and parents expressed their deep appreciation. The participants pointed out that joint projects of refinery workers, social activists and government officials aim to achieve a common goal of supporting and protecting the health of all people, especially of those in need of assistance, like children and adults with disabilities.

“It remains a priority in our oblast. About 90 thousand disabled people, more than 11 thousand of whom are children under 16 years, are registered in the oblast to date. There are eight kindergartens and 11 specialized boarding schools for children with disabilities, as well as three institutions for children with mental health problems and disabilities. All of them need support, both financial and moral. Over 500 families, five orphanages, about 40 kindergartens, 31 maternity clinics, and 8 non-governmental organizations have received sponsorship for the last seven years. Particular emphasis is laid on talent support under all the ongoing charity efforts. A campaign aimed to develop applied arts in South Kazakhstan, revive folk traditions, and carpet weaving had been carried out as part of social projects implemented on the eve of the 20th anniversary of independence last year.” mentioned Mrs. Emberdiyeva in addition.

The refinery provided a sponsorship of KZT 3.5M under this year’s Give Joy to Children effort. Although, numbers is not the case, but the fact that a large company, its management, and refinery workers remember about those who need them, and make every effort to ensure that people with disabilities, underprivileged, and children feel that they go shoulder to shoulder with secure and trusted friends. Smiles on kids’ faces and good mood became the greatest reward for all the organizers that day. They succeeded in giving joy to children and, therefore, the task was completed excellently.

I. Stavrinaki