IT’S EASIER TO PREVENT FIRE RATHER THAN EXTINGUISH IT – that’s the slogan of the annual competition that started at Kumkol oilfield on 19 April 2017

IT’S EASIER TO PREVENT FIRE RATHER THAN EXTINGUISH IT – that’s the slogan of the annual competition that started at Kumkol oilfield on 19 April 2017
The competition under a slogan “It’s Easier to Prevent Fire Rather Than Extinguish It” is held every year at Kumkol oilfield in order to promote personnel fire safety awareness. 
The 5th competition featured 16 teams, including the teams of  groups and subdivisions of PKKR’s Kumkol and KAM oilfields, as well as Tuzkol oilfield of Kolzhan LLP, which competed for the right to own a Challenge Cup. 
The competition focuses on improving practical skills and patriotism in extreme situations.The participants were to demonstrate their teamwork in terms of the speed and accuracy of performing two types of exercises:
1. Cross a 100-meter obstacle course and extinguish burning liquid with a powder fire extinguisher and a fireproof fabric:First, the full team passes a labyrinth; second, they activate Dräger breathing apparatus and pass through a smoke area by a catwalk; and, third, the team shuts the gate-valve off and then proceeds to extinguish the fire. The exercise is considered completed when all fires are extinguished and the last team member crosses the finish line. 2. Extinguish fire using a fire hydrant (FH): all the team members start running, approach a fire hydrant, stretch a hose line, open the faucet valve and start the water in the line, and proceed to extinguish the fire using a fire-hose monitor.The fire is imitated by a specially designed target.The team must fill a 10-liter tank by directing a jet of water into the target orifice (a fire front). The exercise is considered to be complete after a beacon is activated and the target sound alarm speaks-on.The fire is an unpredictable and destructive phenomenon. If no steps are made to put it out at the initial stage, it may spread in many directions quickly and uncontrollably, becoming a large-scale fire.
In addition to fire load, adverse weather conditions, especially wind, contribute to fire development. Moreover, in most cases, fire develops because of obstacles which prevent from using fire suppression agents. These obstacles include strong smoke and various structures that prevent extinguishing. However, any fires occurring should certainly be extinguished in any conditions.
The competition program and procedure met all these criteria to the fullest possible degree, which was interesting, both for the participants and the spectators.For example, the competition was accompanied by wind, with gusts reaching 10-15 mps. 
The exercises were made more complex through the use of various obstacles. All of these increased the real-life effect and the spirit of the competition.  In the course of the competition, the team members improved their own skills and clearly demonstrated the ways of using fire fighting equipment and teamwork in an emergency situation to numerous fans and spectators. 
The Tuzkol team became the winner and the new owner of the Competition Cup according to the results of the tough struggle for victory. They spent the least amount of time (84.57 seconds) to cope with the required conditions.
The Production Department team became the second winner, with a total time of 85.56 seconds.The CGF team  (90.54 seconds) won the honorable third place by having a lead of 4 seconds ahead of the last year’s leader, the MPS team.
Thus, the competition has seen its new winner in 2017, which means that so far the Cup remains true to its name as a challenge one. According to the competition rules, the team that succeeds winning the first place twice in a row, will have the Challenge Cup forever.  
The winner teams were awarded with the competition certificates and the team members with valuable prizes.
Members of the Tuzkol team that won the first place, were awarded with Samsung Galaxy J2 smart phones; and the Production Department and MPS teams, which won the second and third places, respectively, received vacuum cleaners and ovens. 

Participants’ parade

The competition opening ceremony — address of Yanchun Hong, Deputy Director for Production, Competition Jury Chairman

Welcoming speech of Adilbek Bekliyev, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Governors for Health, Production Safety and Environment

Smoke spread in the competition area

Obstacles passing (labyrinth)

Obstacles passing (catwalk)

Extinguishing fire with fire-resistant fabric

Extinguishing fire with a powder fire extinguisher

Extinguishing fire with water

Awarding the winner and the runners-up