It is easier to prevent fire!

The Kumkol field held a contest “It’s easier to prevent rather extinguish the fire”, which was attended by employees of Fire Department of AO “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources”. The event was held with the assistance of the Trade Union Committee of AO PKKR.

In PKKR structure the Fire department – one of the key divisions. It is well known that in oil industry a lot of attention is paid to fire safety, as oilfields are classified as flammable and explosive. For fire-old residents April 17 – a special date – annually on this day employees of Fire department celebrate their professional holiday, – says the Head of Fire safety department Zhomartbek Teleubayev. – According to tradition at Kumkol o\f there is annually held a contest of firefighters. The main goals – increase skills of employees of Fire department, promote fire prevention and check of readiness of fire rescues. It should be noted that the conducted training activities of oilmen on fire prevention and technical safety organization brings tangible results.

In the competition on fire prevention, consisting of two phases, there were attended 18 teams of AO PKKR oilfields. In the first competitive test the teams (by three people) competed on the quality and speed of execution – to overcome the obstacle course race at 50 meters and, at the finish, fire extinguishing by powder extinguisher. Under the terms of the second phase, participants were required to supply water from a fire hydrant in the hole of the target set by five meters, and fill the 10-liter capacity to activate the alarm beacon.

Overall results of the competition, summed the independent expert – Head of City Department of “Firefighting service and rescue operations” of Oblast Emergency Department, Colonel of Fire department Bolatbek Kosmuratov.

On results of two phases the highest number of points won   “KAM-1” Team.  It was awarded the first place and the challenge cup. Director of Production, Kumkol o/f Bruce Anderson and the Head of the Trade Union Ccommittee of the Company Yeleusin Duisenov presented medals, diplomas and prizes to the winners – the operator of RPM, Aryskum Abylaikhan Myrzabekov, operator Aryskum CPF Erbol Askar and operator of KAM CDNG Aman Nabiyev. Second place went to the team of Kumkol UMR (Zhanabai Ryspanbetov, Nursultan Yeskendirov, Askar Tulebayev), the third – the team of Technological Group (Almat Kilibayev, Yerkin Suyubaev, Abay Kaltayev). Each of them got medals and prizes corresponding to occupied places.