Into new year with new hopes

In Kazalinsk rehabilitation center for disabled children “Shapagat” a New Year matinee took place. Traditionally, first to congratulate children of the institution were their trustees – representatives of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources company. As a gift from oilmen disabled children received sweet presents, soft toys and learning games. 
The “Shapagat” children wait for each New year with particular feelings. Special hopes connect with a new year also their parents, institution educators. Since the time of opening in “Shapagat” medical psychological and pedagogic aid received over 320 disabled children of Kazalinsk region. In the current year in rehabilitation center in four groups by diagnoses an assistance is rendered to 44 disabled children. In “Umit” group specialists teachers work with the sick of central nervous system and support-motor apparatus, in group “Tilashar” and “Baldyrgan” children with hearing and speech problems are assisted. Group “Balausa” is functioning by method of Almaty center “Kenes”, social adaptation of handicapped teenagers is ongoing in the form of development of special training programs. 
Their main victory the specialists of “Shapagat” consider a fact that for 12 years 54 children were able to sit behind desks of regular and special education schools. In the institution good conditions are created for health improvement of children. And in this a huge merit is of oil company “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, which from the first days has been carefully patronizing “Shapagat” children.
At new year matinee the children and their parents, teachers and educators were congratulated by PKKR AO public relations department manager Khusain Sarsembayev.
– From the day of its foundation PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources company has been supporting veterans, poor families and large families, disabled children and invalids of oblast, – said Kh. Sarsembayev. – Despite the certain difficulties oil and gas industry experiences due to raging global crisis, PKKR AO shall continue to render aid to the sick children. Let first and foremost – the children be happy. On behalf of management of PKKR AO please accept congratulations on the coming new year 2015! Every adult, when a child, believed in miracles and waited with new year for gifts from Santa Claus. Let all cherished wishes of children and their parents come true – let them be able to overcome ailment!
– The passing year was full of events, – says president RCDC “Shapagat” Shynar Zhensikbayeva. – A number of projects have been done. Particularly, owing to project “Kyzmet” active is center on rendering services – specialists psychologists, therapists, lawyers, social teachers give free of charge consultations to disabled children. They are numbering over 360 in the region.
Under support of “USAID”, “АRGО” and center of backing endeavors projects “Zerdeli” and “Damu” are realized – for handicapped girls training courses on preparing seamstresses and cooks are held.
Let the coming year of Sheep bring with it only happy events for children and their parents! Huge acknowledgement and gratitude to management of company PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources for care about the sick children. On behalf of “Shapagat” collective wish the oilmen prosperity and successes!

PKKR AO public relations department