In a sound corporate body is a sound corporate spirit

The sports complex of PetroKazakhstan hosted futsal tournament on Januray 21-22 of 2012 among the state agencies and oil companies employees dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The main motto of the tournament – promotion of healthy life style, development and support of corporate spirit with the state agencies’ and oil companies employees. 

The opening of the tournament was made by the head of management of tourism, sport and physical culture in the Kyzylorda oblast S. Mustafaev and Vice-president of PetroKazakshtan Kumkol Resources AO Chen Dayou. 

There participated 8 (eight) teams in the tournament:  PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources АО, Kazgermunai JV ТОО, Turgai Petroleum АО, oblakimat, city akimat, tax committee, treasury department and the department on emergency situations.

The eighty employees of state agencies and oil companies that participated in this tournament, are mainly the state officials, managers, operators and therefore the tournament has become for them a change of lifestyle so to speak.

The chief tournament trophy – Cup and the first place – was won by the team of Turgai Petroleum АО, the second place won the team of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources АО, and the third place went to the team of akimat of the Kyzylorda oblast. 

”All the team members demonstrated themselves as not only the professionals of their own business, but also as the soccer professionals. Taking into account a big interest in this tournament our company intends to grant the “annual” status to the footsal tournament among the state agencies and oil companies, – said the Vice-president of PKKR AO Chen Dayou, while addressing the participants at the closing ceremony. 

The winners were awarded medals, diplomas and material gifts. For the І place – 250 000 tenge, for ІІ place – 200 000 tenge, for ІІІ place – 150 000 tenge.
         Also according to the panel of judges the best players were determined and awarded with diplomas and gifts in the following nominations: 
         ”Best goalkeeper” – Maratbek Kasymov (employee of Tax department in the Kyzylorda oblast),
 ”Best footsal player” – Erkin Tobashev (procurement specialist of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources АО)
”Best fullback” – Rinat Kudaibergenov (chief inspector of Apparatus of akim of the Kyzylorda oblast),
”Best forward” – Nurlan Kubekov (employee of Treasury department in the Kyzylorda oblast),
”Best half-back” – Altynbek Ospanov (employee of Turgai Petroleum АО).

Public relations department