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Environmental safety at production facilities is one of the priority tasks of the Company. By investing in the efficient environmental management, PetroKazakhstan builds infrastructure facilities that enable to improve the environmental situation at all production sites and adjacent areas.
In order to reduce the impact of production processes on the environment, every year the company allocates significant funds for environmental protection measures, implementation of the resource-saving technologies and processes that meet international standards and legislative requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
PKOP LLP actively participates in social environmental projects. It carries out annual tree and vegetation planting campaigns in the territory of the refinery and sanitary protection zone.
Prevention of major environmental accidents, compliance with the requirements for air emissions, waste water and solid waste treatment, reduction, recycling and reuse of wastes are among the priorities of the company’s environmental protection activities.
In accordance with the Industrial Environmental Control Program, the inspections of the refinery facilities and instrumental measurements of environmental components are carried out at PKOP LLP within the framework of monitoring of compliance with the established standards of maximum permissible emissions and discharges, as well as soil quality in the sanitary-protection zone of the refinery.
Within the frames of the modernization of the waste treatment facilities, an oil sludge processing unit was built and put into operation. Oil sludge processing is provided at the decanter unit with 2 phase separation of oil sludge with return of recovered oil products to the technological process. This activity allows preventing accumulation of oil-products in the sludge collectors of the enterprise, which also improves the environmental situation.
In 2022, the volume of return of treated wastewater and reused industrial effluents amounted to 1167,726 thousand m3, including 647,780 thousand m3 of effluents were returned to the fire fighting system. After the Deep Treatment units – ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis – 519,946 thousand m3 of treated wastewater were used to make-up recycled water supply unit, that made it possible to additionally save an equivalent amount of fresh service water.