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PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP is one of the leading enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan in processing, transportation, storage of crude oil and oil products that is aware of its responsibility for production of high-quality competitive products, ensuring safe working conditions and personnel health, necessity of environmental protection, responsibility for regulation and control of energy resources consumption.

Basic principles of the Policy of PKOP LLP in the field of quality, industrial safety, environmental protection, energy saving and energy efficiency are:

  1. Sustainable development and safety are considered as top priority.
  2. Performance of production activities within the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other applicable requirements, as well as establishment of economic and other liability of personnel for violation of these requirements.
  3. Production of fuels with improved environmental and operational characteristics.
  4. Introduction of new technologies that increase productivity of high-quality products, improve environmental indicators, optimize energy consumption and energy efficiency, guarantee personnel safety.
  5. Steady improvement of professional level and competence of personnel, motivation of their production activity.
  6. Minimization of harmful effects on the environment, health of personnel and population of nearby residential areas.
  7. Reduction of risk and ensuring safety as production grows.
  8. Increase of the efficiency of industrial monitoring for compliance with safety requirements through introduction of modern information technologies, technical diagnostics and remote sensing techniques.
  9. Protection of human health and life, and minimization of any potential health and safety risks associated with the activities of PKOP LLP.
  10. Continuous improvement of industrial safety and labor safety by implementing the following principles: 
  11. Continuous improvement of industrial safety and labor safety by implementing the following principles: 
    • Safety – first of all!
    • Safety is everyone’s business!
    • Safety is systematic and continuous work!
  12. Continuous improvement of the integrated management system that meets the requirements of standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ST RK ISO 50001.