On October 27, 2015 in Almaty State academic theater of opera and ballet after Abay a solemn award ceremony of nominates of IX National public bonus in sphere of charity «Altyn Jurek» took place.
The National public bonus «Altyn Jurek» is awarded for contribution of commercial organizations and private persons to realization of charity programs and projects in territory of Kazakhstan. The bonus was organized by PF «Bauyrjan» (director – Juldyz Omarbekova ).
The award of public bonus «Altyn jurek» was arranged in the following nominations: «For help to orphan children», «For support of education», «For care of invalids», «For support and development of sports», «For care of veterans», «Patron of the year», «Informational benefactor», «Charity», «Organizer of the year», «For contribution to health care» and «For contribution to development of Kazakhstan».  In membership of expert and public boards entered representatives of the media, politics and culture. 
PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources company has applied for participation in the public bonus in nomination «For help to orphan children» and come up with a project «Construction of family type children village «Atameken» for 65 orphans and children left without parents’ support».  This project was realized within the frameworks of Memorandum of cooperation in social and economic development of Kyzylorda oblast for 2014 between Akimat of Kyzylorda oblast, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources AO, ТОО «Kolzhan» and PetroKazakhstan Ventures Inc branch. For realization of this project PKKR АО invested 3,0 mln.USD., and ТОО «Kolzhan» transferred 550,0 thous.USD for its material and technical equipage. 
In June of 2015 children village of family type «Atameken» within the frameworks of project «SOS-Kinderdorf» was commissioned, in which moved 65 orphan children age ranged from 3 to18 years old. The children village consists of 8 two-storey residential and one administrative buildings, in each house there live 7-10 children. Here the children are educated in a family way, i.e., each family has its own mother.  
Besides PKKR АО in nomination «For help to orphan children» there were presented 18 private and legal entities. But only three of them have been announced as nominants of Bonus «Altyn jurek». They are Murat Kabylbaev, (Almolinsk oblast, Burabay region, Kenesary village), Arman Esenkulov (Pavlodar city) and PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resouces АО (Kyzylorda).
A heart figurine «For help to orphan children» was given to Akmolisk oblast, Kenersay village resident Murat Kabylbaev, father of family of 11 children, 9 of whom are adopted. Murat adopted exclusively those children whom no one collected from the orphanage. Those were whether already adult children or those who still had brothers and sisters in the orphanage. 
Our company PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources АО is awarded a nominate diploma. 
In Kazakhstan the «Altyn Jurek» bonus  is the most prestigious in sphere of charity.  However for PetroKazakhstan important is not fame, but efficient usefulness to the society from a charity cause. If good deeds of oilmen bring profit to, in particular, children, the disabled, veterans, the poor, then the award begins to serve as a powerful motivational stimulus for further productive labor and accomplishment of charitable acts.