Erkimbek Kaldygozov is 70 – years

Erkimbek Kaldygozov was born on 1944 in Maktaly village, Tyulkubas region of RK South- Kazakhstan oblast.
          He has begun his labor activity from 1963as Operator, Guryev oil refinery being a student. On 1968, after graduation from Kazakh Chemical-Technological Institute in “Chemical refining technology of oil and gas”, has continued working as the Senior equipment operator of Guryev chemical plant, then senior foreman in Shymkent Oil and Fat Production.
          Since 1971, all his labor activity is inseparably linked with researches in the field of oil refining of petrochemistry and preparation of highly qualified personnel for this branch. He is one of the first graduate students of Nadir Karimovich Nadirov, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor and Academician of RK NAS (National Academy of Science) on oil and gas branch. After graduation of internal postgraduate study in 1975, in 1976-1978 E.Kaldygozov worked as the research associate, managing laboratory “Laboratories of chemistry of oil and gas” Institute of chemistry of oil and natural salts at RK Academy of Science. Results of research devoted to catalytic cracking of mix of oils of Western Kazakhstan in presence of zeolite-bearing catalyst “Tseokar-2”, have been introduced at cracking unit of Guryev oil refinery.
       During the period 1979-1984 he had worked as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor and from1985 till1994 as a Head of the Chair “Chemical refining technology of oil and gas” Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute. Since November, 1994 to this day he has been working for PetroKazakhstan Oil Products, LLP (Shymkent Oil Refinery), was a chief specialist – deputy chief engineer on science of new equipment and technology, Leader of new technique and technology, Leader and Coordinator, Technical Training and Staff Training Team.
          For many years E. Kaldygozov passes on his rich experience to young men. Number of his pupils, being students and graduate students, became winners of different international and republican competitions of research works of young scientists and have been awarded by diplomas, different signs, medals. Some of them have been working as the first heads and leading experts in scientific research institute, at RK and CIS industrial enterprises. As of Alseitov O., Nurmanov S., Baytenov (Pavlodar oil chemical refinery), Kabdenov K., Keykin N., Makeev S. (Atyrau Oil Refinery), Aukhin A., Pilipenko S., Yeregenov B., etc. (PKOP.)
         Kadygozov E. actively carries out big research work, and all his scientific and pedagogical activity is carried out in close contact and cooperation with the oil-processing enterprises, research organizations and RK Higher education institutions. Some results of his research works have found application in operating oil refineries of RK: Atyrau, Pavlodar, Shymkent. Main directions of his research works: development of new effective catalytic agents for hydrocatalytic processes of oil refining, questions of complex oil refining and gas and other hydrocarbonic types of raw of RK, improvement of technological processes for rational processing of new oils and gas condensates of Kazakhstan, allowing import substitution.
         E.K.Kaldygozov, Professor  has studied problem of receiving commodity reactive and motor fuels, oils and road bitumen from different distillate fractions of paraffin Kumkol oil in detail and some results had industrial application. In 1978 he has defended the master’s dissertation in the specialty 05.17.07 – Chemical technology of fuels and gas on subject: “Catalytic cracking of Condensate-Gas ratio from mix of oil of the Western Kazakhstan on the modified catalytic agents”, and in 1997 he has defended the doctoral dissertation in the specialty 02.00.13 – Petrochemistry, on subject “Structure, properties of petrogas condensates, petrobituminous rocks of new field of RK and their hydrocatalytic purification”. In January, 1999 E. Kaldygozov was assigned academic status of professor in the field of “Chemical technology”.
Under his management 12 master’s dissertation were protected, he is author of more than 20 inventions and 210 published works, including: the monograph – “Hydrocatalytic purification of different distillate fractions of the secondary origin”, “The Russian-Kazakh explanatory and terminological dictionary on fuels and oil products”. Two manuals are also published in state language: “Methods of lab analysis of oil products” “Technological calculations edition dedicated to oil products processing” and two more training aids: “Labor protection for oil-processing industry”, “Viscosity breaking of the oil remains”. The patents received by him and copyright certificates are of great importance for production and in the future can be introduced in oil refineries of the Republic of Kazakhstan and CIS countries.
          Along with manufacturing work, professor E.K.Kaldygozov carries out pedagogical and public work: gives lectures in Higher Education Institutions and holds consultations to students, undergraduates, doctoral candidates, also he is the tutor of graduate students and scientific competitors of the South-Kazakhstan State University of M. Auezov, Kazakh University of Friendship of the People (Shymkent), Kazakh National Technical University of K.Satpayev and KBTU (Almaty). Carried out advanced training courses among workers, trainees-operators of process units and technical engineering employees of Shymkent Oil Refinery and in other subdivisions of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products, LLP. 
        Since 2000 professor E.Kaldygozov is the associate editor of the republican scientific and technical magazine “Oil and gas” and within 10 years he was the member of specialized dissertation Councils for protection of scientific degree of doctor of science on specialties: 02.00.13- “Petrochemistry” at IOKE RK Academy of Science (Almaty) and 05.17.08 – “Processes and machines of industrial technology” at SKSU of M. Auezov
Erkimbek Kaldygozovich has visited creative business trips and different research organizations, Higher Education Institutions and the industrial enterprises of the countries of the near and far abroad. For example, in Germany, China where together with scientists of these countries discussed oil refining and gas problems.
          For successful preparation of highly qualified engineering personnel and experts for our country, E. Kaldygozov has been awarded by Diplomas of the Ministry of Higher Education Institutions of the USSR and MNO of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also breastplate – “The honourable educator of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and “70-year anniversary breastplate of SK State University”.