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From 2005 to 2015, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC implemented a scholarship program to support talented youth of Kyzylorda region.
The project was created as an intellectual contribution to the development of future of Kyzylorda region with the assistance and support of the akimat of Kyzylorda region.
This project was based on the idea of providing quality education to young people to ultimately create a pool of highly professional and trained personnel for the company. This is how the “Scholarship Program” was born, which provided for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in full-time education in the most popular specialties, such as “Oilfield Engineering”, “Geophysics”, “Storage and Transportation of Oil and Gas”, “Engineering Geology”, “Technological Equipment and automatic control technology”, “Electronic information engineering”, “Information systems and management”, “Development and operation of oil and gas fields”, etc.). Students studied at the best industry universities in Canada, China and Kazakhstan.
The funds allocated by PetroKazakhstan to finance the scholarship program in the Kyzylorda region covered the following costs:
Personal Computer
Textbooks and stationery
Transportation costs from Kyzylorda to the place of study and back
Medical insurance, obtaining a visa for students studying abroad.

Here are the names of those who for the last three years become the holder of the grant of PetroKazakhstan Scholarship program for Kyzylorda oblast:


1. Yerbol Ocken
2. Aizhan Marat
3. Nazym Kazbek
4. Timur Akhmet
5. Serikbol Oralbek
6. Yerbolat Tulepbayev
7. Dana Altynbek
8. Shyntas Kanatuly

2014 год

9. Bekarystan Kosai
10. Alimzhan Kalmagambet
11. Asylzat Tolepbergenova
12. Mansur Zhumabekov
13. Arman Auelbek
14. Balnur Yesenbai

2015 год

15. Kozybek Aishuak
16. Sadykov Abylaikhan
17. Abdulla Yerzhan
18. Omirbai Sultan
19. Burkitbai Danabek
During the existence of the Scholarship Program, 115 Kazakhstani students received higher education, while the costs of the program amounted to 2.54 million US dollars.
Most of the nominees studied at the China Petroleum University in Beijing. This is the first university in the oil industry in China and is rightly called the source of personnel for the oil industry and the cradle of oil and gas engineers. PetroKazakhstan established cooperation with the Chinese University of Petroleum in the field of training specialists and advanced training of the company’s operating personnel in 2006. This friendship turned out to be very fruitful – every year up to ten scholarship recipients of the PetroKazakhstan program studied at this university, and about a thousand Company employees took advanced training courses.
Currently, 41 fellows work for the company and are actively involved in the company’s production activities. 5 people occupy management positions; others work as engineers and specialists.