Country’s Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy Implementation

In 2014 President Nursultan Nazarbayev devoted his address to Kazakhstani people to implementation of “Kazakhstani way – 2050: common purpose, common interests, common future” strategy development till 2050.
In his address the “Energy of the Future” issue holds a most unique position. It is the strategy’s key priority. N.Nazarbayev in his address noted that for providing our sovereignty in oil and gas industry, the country’s energy stocks shall be produced with high value added, and refining of cheap crude oil for export shall be avoided, because the petrochemical production is recognized as important segment of strategy to position Kazakhstan among the top 30 global economies. President mentioned the construction

of the new fourth oil refinery in Kazakhstan among important projects. In this regard, training of highly-qualified specialists for oil refining and petrochemical industries is today’s most important task of our country’s educational activities. Since 1964, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University has been training specialists for the production sector based on the “Oil, Gas and Polymers Technology” chair. Graduates of  this chair are successfully working at oil-refining and petrochemical enterprises both in Kazakhstan and abroad, and they occupy managerial positions, for example, PKOP Vice President – A.Turisbekov.
In the President’s address to people of Kazakhstan the main attention is paid to country’s development options with long-term prospectives, to economy and to social sphere, directly affecting living standards of Kazakhstani citizens.
The faculty of Chemistry–Technology of M.Auezov SKSU organized Doors Open Day on April 11, where the staff of “Oil, Gas and Polymers Technology” chair and the representatives of PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP were talking about the peculiarities of professions of this industry to senior students of schools willing to link their lives with petrochemistry in the future.