“Arai Sunrise” – island of joy and kindness

On June 6 c.y. Krymbek Kusherbayev, oblast akim, has met with children resting in summer camp “Arai-Sunrise”. The first session took in 180 schoolchildren from Karmakshy and Kazaly regions, sc.#1 of Kyzylorda, kids from children village of family type “Atameken”, children of non-governmental sector and company employees’.

Annually in school summer break days about 1300 oblast children rest here. In all eighteen year history more than twenty thousand boys and girls took rest in “Arai-Sunrise”. Throughout this time PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources AO sponsored children recreation camp. For maintaining “Arai-Sunrise” oil company annually allocates over a hundred million tenge.

Among the guests there also were city akim Nurlybek Nalibaev, first deputy chairman Kyzylorda oblast branch “Nur Otan” party Nauryzbai Baikadamov, chief education management in Kyzylorda oblast Bakhytjan Saylybaev and company management.

The guests enjoyed a little tour of the camp. Senior camp educator Svetlana Alisheva told of the camp history. The guests saw a swimming pool, bed blocks. Each camp area is an individual section with well-known fairytale and cartoon characters: there is built a hut of Robinson Crusoe, Shahrazad’s tent pitched, a Russian farm constructed.  The whole camp synchronizes watches by Big-Ben, who stands guard as a fairytale soldier. In Chinatown the campers learn foreign languages. In Shahrezad’s tent young artists are at work.

“Arai Sunrise” camp opened its doors in 1997, – Svetlana Alisheva tells. – It is a small government that has its own banner, hymn, own currency – “raylet”, uniform. In “Arai” children are never bored. New day – new cares. Concert, exhibition, sports relay etc. Young correspondents labor over newspaper “Arai-news”.

In summer 5 sessions by 180 children, and also republican economic shift “Mansap” (“Career”) and a sports shift, within the frameworks of which annually soccer tournament takes place among schoolchildren for PetroKazakhstan Cup. Then the guests were familiarized with the work of circles and workshops. In national yurtas found themselves foremen and foewomen, who train their disciples to pottery, tailoring “kurak korpe”, weaving shi.
“In the camp 19 circles are working and circles of folk and applied creativity are of big popularity. – In order not to forget traditions, life and culture of our people, in the camp were created circles as pottery, carpet weaving, shi weaving, blanket embroidery, folklore, where they learn to play national instruments, wood cutting and Kazakh wrestling”.

The children gave the guests their handmade craft. Holiday concert for chiefs and guests the children were preparing with huge endeavor. The region head, in particular, noted that in our republic, owing to support of Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev, all conditions are created for full education and development of children. All state programs, starting from pre-school “Balapan” to international scholarship program “Bolashak”, are directed to support of growing generation.

Kyzylorda kids were congratulated by Qin Hongwei, chairperson of the board of PKKR AO, who emphasized that company will support social projects, among which there is children village of family type.
  Already for the nineteenth year a thousand of girls and boys have been coming here and expect something new, unseen, interesting, and leave scarcely choking back tears.  For the rest of their life they will remember happy days in camp “Arai Sunrise” – in the island of joy and kindness.