30th anniversary pf Trade Union Committee of PKKR JSC


This whole year for the trade union organization “PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources” JSC is held under the sign of the 30th anniversary. Numerous events are dedicated to this date: excursions, tournaments, contests, charity events, etc.

The central event of the celebrations was the anniversary meeting of the team, which took place on October 11 at the Head Office. People of different generations gathered whose life was connected with work in the trade union. 

The first participants in the celebration were congratulated by Bolat Eleuovich Kusherbayev, Vice President for Capital Construction and External Relations, “Over the years, the trade union committee has become a reliable defender of the rights and interests of company employees. The whole history of the trade union committee is the result of the joint work of many generations of workers, the systematic interaction of the company’s management and the labor collective. On behalf of the company’s management I express my gratitude to the veterans of the union. I congratulate Kazakhstan Trade Unions Day and its 30th anniversary and wish the trade union activist further success in protecting the rights and guarantees of union members, the growth of union membership, and all members of the union – health, successful work and well-being in families! ”

Kind words of congratulations were heard from the guests of honor – the chairman of the Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of the Oil and Gas Complex “KAZMUNAIGASPROF” Sultan Kaliyev, the chairman of the territorial union of trade unions, Kyzylorda Regional Center of Trade Unions, Serik Sermagambetov, and the chairman of the Kyzylorda Regional Branch of Kazmunaigazprof Altynkhan Iskakova.

In his congratulatory speech, the chairman of KAZMUNAIGASPROF, Sultan Kaliev, congratulated those present on the 120th anniversary of Kazakhstan oil and the Day of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan and thanked the company’s management for their significant contribution to the development of the social partnership system and regulation of labor relations  by collective contract. At the end of his congratulatory speech, he handed a letter of thanks to the company management. Also, “the head of the trade union committee, Bakhyt Mukasheva, was noted with a letter of appreciation for “a special contribution to the development of the trade union movement, fruitful work to protect the rights and interests of oil workers.

The chairman of the trade union committee, Bakhyt Mukasheva, thanked the guests for their warm congratulations. In her speech, she noted the role of the trade union in today’s society. “Exactly 30 years ago, on July 1989, the first trade union conference was held and the unified trade union organization NGDU “Kumbolneft”  was created”. – said Bakhyt Mukasheva. – Over the years, the trade union has come  difficult but glorious path. Congratulations to all members of our union on their anniversary”. In future we have a solution to common problems aimed at the development of the company.” 

Further, celebration continued with a celebration of veterans who contributed to the development of the trade union activity of the company. Sultan Kaliev, Chairman of the Public Association “Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of the Oil and Gas Complex“ KAZMUNAIGASPROF ”, solemnly handed  former chairman of the trade union committee of JSC“ PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources ”Eleusin Duisenov, who has worked in this position for more than     15 years,  medal of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan“ Munai gas keshenin damytuga koskan ylesi yshin “.

“PetroKazakhstan Enbek ardargerі” medals and souvenirs awarded the former chairman of the trade union committee of the UPTOK division Katarbaev Marat, the former chairman of the trade union committee of the UAD department Bizhanova Zhanna, the former chairman of the trade union committee of the head office Beknazarov Zharkylasyn, the former chairman of the MUNAI SAUDA Amirov Maksut, the former chairman of UAD Malibekova Irina.

Trade union committee is proud of   its activists, shop committees. And the solemn meeting was a good opportunity to thank them for their active work. More than 40 people were awarded with various awards in the trade union line.

The following members of the trade union committee were awarded from  SO  “Kazakhstan Industrial Trade Union of the Oil and Gas Complex” to the Day of the Trade Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

Anniversary medal “120th anniversary of Kazakhstan oil”:

  1. Katarbaev Marat Myrzabaevish, HSE Engineer, 1st grade;
  2. Oleg Karimovich Mukhamedzhanov, operator of , dewatering and desalting unit, 5th grade
  3. Nurmaganbetov  Ulykbek Kablanbekovich, – Team leader;
  4. Adenov Kuryshbek Bakytzhanovich, operator of oil and gas production 4th grade;
  5. Zhamishev Shyngyskhan Zhamishevich, operator of the dehydrating and desalting unit, 4th grade;
  6. Sagnadinov Asylbek, carpenter;
  7. Ermakhanov Parahat, foreman , Workover Group.

Medal KazMunaiProfsouz  «Salalyk kasipodakka sigirgen enbegi ushin»:

  1. Rustembekov Kairat Kuanyshbekovich,  operator of the dehydrating and desalting unit,  5th grade;
  2. Eszhanov Gabit Kenesovich, Head of Oil and Gas Production;
  3. Saryshova Bakhyt Seyitzhanovna, head of the Payroll group.

Certificate of honor of Kazmunaygazprofsoyuz:

  1. Kosuakov Almasbek Kuandykovich, slinger 5th grade;
  2. Makhambetov Talapbek, material control specialist;
  3. Abdykalikov Kenes Abzhalievich, leading engineer for construction supervision;
  4. Abdaliev Ibrahim-Khalila, Leading Quality Control Engineer;
  5. Ataniyazov Abdykhalyk, foreman  FWKO;
  6. Akbaeva Gulzhas Malikazhdarovna, technologist;
  7. Basalhaev Shyngys Seytenovich, team leader;
  8. Nasyrov Bilimzhan Akhmetovich, leading geologist;
  9. Zhusupov Bolatbek Serikbaevich, administrator;
  10. Orazov Nurlan Bolatovich, Foreman, field operations” TuzkolMunaiGaz” LLP 

Letter of thanks  from “Kazmunaygazprofsoyuz”:

  1. Kozhanova Elmira Utegenovna, senior cashier;
  2. Temirbaev Marat Abdizhamievich, engineer for the operation and repair of equipment;
  3. Ashimov Bagdat Bermaganbetovich, fireman;
  4. Musaev Marat, Head of the guard;
  5. Aitbaev Rustem Malikovich, road maintenance engineer;
  6. Otarbaev Murat Myrzabaevich, engineer of compressor units of the 6th category;
  7. Rysbek Saparbai Zhүzbayuly, engineer of internal combustion engines of the 6th category;
  8. Sariev Zhanabay Zhumagalievich,  repairman 4th grade;
  9. Nurymbetov Erken Umirzakovich, engineer of gas turbine units of the 5th category;
  10. Satbaev Nurlan Maratovich, operator of oil and gas production of the 4th grade, “TuzkolMunaiGaz” LLP.

Certificate of Merit of the Kyzylorda Trade Union Association:

  1. Kuttybaeva Bayan Kozhabekovna, Head of department;
  2. Myrzakhanov Dosymzhan Akmyrzaevich, mechanic;
  3. Bekenov Samat Almasovich, foreman , workshop for the preparation and pumping of oil;
  4. Umartaev Gabit Amitovich, leading engineer;
  5. Akhmetov Қayirbek Үmbetkali ulu, operator for chemical treatment of wells,    3rd grade;
  6. Kosmuratova Gulzhan Temirbaevna, laboratory assistant for chemical analysis of 4th grade;
  7. Esbosynov Bagdat Asanhanovich, Technical translator.

A letter of thanks from Oblast branch of “Kazmunaygazprofsoyuz”:

  1. Baimbetova Saltanat Kenesovna, laboratory assistant for chemical analysis, 3rd  grade;
  2. Zhumabekuly Nurlan, laboratory assistant of chemical analysis, 3rd grade;
  3. Elimbetova Asel Askhatkizi ,dispatcher;
  4. Konkabaev Zhumagali Shadaevich, worker on the improvement of settlements;
  5. Sagatuly Maksat, operator of oil and gas production of the 5th grade.

The solemn event ended with a photo session.

Public Relations Department