2011 Perfomance Results


One of the most important achievements of 2011 was the industrial development of East Kumkol oil field, and renewed exploration of reserves in East Karabulak and Tuzkol fields, which allowed to ensure a significant increase in oil reserves.

In 2011, PetroKazakhstan Inc. produced 5.9 million tons of oil, including its 50% share in Kazgermunai JV and Turgay Petroleum JV. This includes 3.2 million tons by PKKR and Kolzhan, which is 180.000 tonnes more than in 2010, 1.25 million tons by Turgai Petroleum, and 1.5 million tons by KazGerMunai. In 2011, 95 new wells, including 63 producing and 32 exploration were commissioned. 3D seismic in the volume of 150 sq.m was hold for the license 951-D, and 300 sq.m – for the territory 1057.


In 2011, the annual plan for oil refining and production of oil products was outdone at 107%. Thus last year the volume of crude oil refined at PetroKazakhstan Oil Products Refinery was 4.6 million tons at the annual plan of 4.3 million tons.

In 2011, a record index of production of high-octane gasoline was reached (63% of the total volume of gasoline produced), and 91,000 tons more of high-octane gasoline brands were produced in comparison with 2010. Oil refining increased by 28,000 tons compared to last year. The Refinery increased its production of winter diesel, fuel oil and high-octane gasoline brands. 

During 2011 an extensive work to improve the quality of products was carried out by the Refinery specialists. The company continues to implement the Refinery modernization program, which provides for the construction of 7 new process units and the reconstruction of 3 existing units. To recap, the objective of the modernization program is transition to the production of the petroleum products compliant with the Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards starting from 2016; bringing the Refinery capacity to the designed level of 6 million tons per year; and increasing of the refining depth and output volume of light petroleum products.


PetroKazakhstan always fulfills its obligations to supply fuel to consumers even in the conditions constantly changing of oil market. Within the framework of stabilizing the POL (petroleum, oil and lubricant) market in the Republic of Kazakhstan and maintaining the status of socially responsible company, a supply of 341,000 tons of oil products (diesel, gasoline, mazut, jet fuel) has been provided under social programs. 

Thanks to the established tank cars turnover system the company achieved decrease of transportation cost and retained its position as one of the leading shipping companies in Kazakhstan.


Last year a number of business units (PKOP, PKOSI and PKTH) have successfully passed the certifying audit of compliance of the HSE management system with the international standards ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Work on implementation of these standards at PKKR has been launched already. All industrial safety standards accepted at PetroKazakhstan have been met and work effectively.


All the commitments on social responsibility undertaken in 2011 were met fully and on time. In addition to traditional sponsorship projects and support of mentee (sponsored) organizations, in 2011 PKOP and PKKR signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the Akimats of South-Kazakhstani and Kyzylorda Oblasts. PKOP and PKKR allocated 1 million and 2.5 million dollars respectively for implementation of social projects in the framework of the Memoranda signed.

In September 2011 the company celebrated the 25th anniversary of the beginning of industrial development of Kumkol oil field. As part of the celebrations, the anniversary photo-album “Kumkol – a Quarter of a Century” was issued and also the documentary “Black Gold of Kumkol” was prepared. On the occasion of the anniversary the company acquired medical equipment for the amount of 150,000 dollars for Kyzylorda children’s regional hospital. Also on the initiative of the company and with its financial support, a national exhibition of paintings was held in the new building of the Kyzylorda Central Library. 


The above-mentioned indicators confirm the correctness of the intended management and industrial strategy of the company. Successful production results ensure PetroKazakhstan an estimable place among the leading oil and gas companies of the country. Today, our company is in the list of five largest oil companies of the country.

In 2011 the company was recognized as the best in the category ‘Sustainable Social Position’ in Ar-Namys competition, which was established and held by KazEnergy Association for the first time. This nomination was conferred to the energy companies, which during their work were able to demonstrate a stable position and a systematic approach in the sphere of corporate social responsibility.

In 2011, in the competition on corporate social responsibility – PetroKazakhstan Oil Products, company refining division, received the award of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the category ‘Contribution to the Ecology’. The company was conferred with Golden Paryz Award. This is the second award of PKI in this competition. Prior to that, in 2008, a silver award was conferred to PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources, the company production division, in the nomination ‘Best Socially Responsible Enterprise’.

In 2011, in the ranking of the 100 largest companies of Kazakhstan (Expert Kazakhstan RA) our company took the 4th place, which is one position higher than the rating of the previous year. In 2011, PetroKazakhstan was also included in the rating of Kazakhstan companies with the best reputation (Exclusive Magazine) and in the top 500 largest companies of Kazakhstan (National Business Magazine). 

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan a number of company best employees were awarded with the Jubilee Medal ‘20 Years of Independence of Kazakhstan’, Order Kurmet, KazMunaiGaz certificate of honor, KazEnergy anniversary medal, KazEnergy certificate of honor, KazEnergy letter of gratitude, The Ministry of Oil and Gas certificate of honor. All these awards are the evidence of the fact that professionalism of our employees is acknowledged beyond the company.