Friendly tournament on mini football, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Friendly tournament on mini football, dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

On May 6, 2022, a friendly mini-football tournament dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on the open artificial field of the Aryskum field. 

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing and supporting the corporate spirit among employees is the main slogan of the tournament. Friendly tournament was held among three teams: the team of the Main Office, the team of the Kumkol field and the team of the KAM field.

Production director Zhumabek Konysbayev addressed to the teams with opening speech. He congratulated the participants with Day of Fatherland’s defenders from the name of Company management. May 7 – the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland in Kazakhstan. This day embodies both the chronicle of the heroic deeds of the people of Kazakhstan and the continuity of the traditions of serving the Fatherland. Each of you is the defender of your Motherland, your family, your hearth and home. Each of you is entrusted with this honorable duty. And you should proudly carry this “banner”! We wish you a clear sky over your head, health, courage and bravery!!!” – Zhumabek Konysbaev noted in his congratulatory speech.

The chairman of the Trade union committee, Bakhyt Mukasheva, also wished victory to the participants of the tournament, emphasizing importance of corporate activities continuation after pandemic. Such events help to strengthen interpersonal relationships and team moral within departments and between them. 

It should be noted that the tournament was held in a round robin system. According to the results of the tournament, the team of the Main Office took the first place, the home team – the KAM field team – took the second place, and the third place went to the Kumkol field team.

Победители турнира награждены дипломами и ценными подарками от компании. Призовой фонд профсоюзного комитета за І место составил 60 000 тенге, за ІІ место – 50 000 тенге, за ІІІ место – 40 000 тенге. 

Поздравляем всех участников товарищеского турнира!