Activity plan on environment protection of PKOP LLP for YY2016-2020

Activity plan on environment protection of PKOP LLP for YY2016-2020 is developped according to Typical action list on environment protection and includes:

  • Use of natural gas for existing units and facilities of modernization and reconstruction of the Refinery, including construction of gas pipeline, development of design documentation, purchase and assembly of pipelines and equipment supply of nature gas to consumers of existing production and modernization facilities. Expected advantages: air contaminants emission abatement from furnaces of units for 225,9 tn/year, and emission abatement of greenhouse gases for 46861 tn/year 
  • Designing and construction of treatment facilities, including mechanical and physical and chemical stages of refinement, including construction of new leakage-proof facilities and assembled on the surface of the ground, that would allow to exclude the risk of contamination of air and ground waters with  harmful agents. It is expected that modernization of treatment facilities would allow to improve quality of treated drains, decrease emissions of harmful agents to air from open surfaces of treatment facilities for 1500 tn/year. 
  • Decrease of discharge volume of manufacturing drain waters in evaporation-pond at the expense of reuse of the treated industrial drains in system of fire-fighting water, including annual discharge decrease of manufacturing drain waters in evaporation-pond in the volume of 400 thousand m3/year.
  • Biological recultivation of mazut contaminated soil, sites of the Refinery territory, deactivation of pyrophoric iron sulfides, including biorecultivation of mazut contaminated sites of the Refinery territory with entering of biomass of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms into the soil, and deactivation of pyrophoric connections.
  • Gardening of sanitary and protective area, including planting of 2500 saplings of trees in sanitary and protective are of the Refinery for the purpose of improvement of sanitary situation in PKOP, LLP territory
  • Building of trikanter units on processing of oil-sludge and trap oil product, including introduction of trikanter unit on centrifugal division of waste products – oil-sludge. As a result of division there are 3 phases: oil, water and solid residue – filter cake. Besides release of sludge collectors from oil-sludge, evaporation reduction from surfaces of sludge collectors to 313,78 tn / year, and return to production of 200 tn / year of the oil separateed from oil-sludge is expected.
  • Replacement of oil-filled transformers for transformers with dry insulation, including replacement of the oil-filled transformers containing dangerous polychlorinated diphenyls (PCD) to environment and human health for transformers with dry insulation without PCD. Expected advantages – improvement of environmental situation, withdrawal of the transformer oil, containing PHD to 2000 tn / year from production.
  • Ensuring control over radiation environment at workplaces during work with ionizing radiation sources. This work assumes radiation dose rate measurement for the purpose of ensuring control of level of radiation of the personnel.
  • Carry out supervising and recertification audits for approval of Certificate on introduction of environmental management system according to requirements of the international standard (ISO 14001:2004).
  • Carry out complex exploratory works on monitoring of the oil products content in PKOP, LLP territory in connection with sharp decrease of ground water level, including identification of possible negative impact of industrial activity on ground waters, development of actions for pollution reduction of ground waters, in case of detection of increase of pollution level of ground waters over standard indicators.
  • Training of workers for environment protection for the purpose of increase of environmental education level of the Refinery employees
  • Publication of materials on environmental problems of the enterprise in the republican magazine “Bulletin of the ecologist” for the purpose of public informing on environmental problems of the enterprise.

PKОP LLP performs production activity in accordance with environmental protection legislation of RK, and according to normative authorization documentation agreed with authorized ministry.