The construction of the Kyzylorda-Kumkol motor road has completed.

The construction of the Kyzylorda-Kumkol motor road has completed. The construction of the 190-km long road started in 1989 when the development of Kumkol oil field was commenced. The construction was financed by Yuzhkaznedra PA (former owner of PKKR). 190 km of gravel surfacing were laid at that time up to the Kumkol oil camp, and only 130 km of the road from Kyzylorda were asphalted. 60 km of the road remained unfinished and had only gravel surfacing for as long as 15 years.

To improve traffic safety and prevent accidents on the oil field roads, the management of PKKR decided to complete the road asphalting using funds of all users of the road, who participated in shared financing of the road construction as follows: PKKR AO – 44.9%, Turgai-Petroleum JSC – 45.7%, NK KOR AO – 5.3% and Souts Oil TOO – 4.1%. The estimated construction cost was 4.9 billion tenge.

Local construction companies were used in the project: UAD TOO, Kyran TOO and Korporatsiya Bereke-A AO. Construction work started in February of this year and was performed without any damage to subsoil user’s operations and also without shutdown of traffic on the main route.

As a result of the completed construction, accidents on this part of the motor road have been minimized and work was completed in due time within the available budget.