A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of social and economic development of Kyzylorda Oblast has been signed

A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of social and economic development of Kyzylorda Oblast has been signed between PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources AO and the Kyzylorda Oblast Akimat.

Within the framework of this Memorandum USD 3,000,000 (three million) will be allocated for socially important projects of the region.
The Oblast Akim expressed his gratitude to the partners for their support over many years. He emphasized that the company’s financial aid is important for children from poor families, who get an opportunity to get university degrees and to spend time at summer recreational camps, and also for war and labor veterans who can have health resort treatment. He also emphasized the contribution to the culture, education, public health, municipal services and agriculture.

The Chairman of the Board of PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources AO, Fang Jiazhong, expressed his appreciation to the Oblast Akim for his support of the company operations, and also put an emphasis on positive changes that had been recently occurring in the region in terms of public services and amenities, landscaping, road quality, repairs and infrastructure. It was also noted that the funds allocated by the company were used in a rational manner, and that social obligations towards the population were carried out too.