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Environment protection at production facilities is one of the priority tasks of the Company. Investing in the efficient environmental management, PetroKazakhstan builds infrastructure allowing the environmental situation to be improved at all the production facilities and adjacent areas.
In order to reduce the impact of production processes on the environment, the Company annually allocates significant assets on nature protection measures and implementation of the resource saving technologies and processes that meet international standards and Kazakhstani legislative requirements.
PetroKazakhstan is an active participant of social and environmental projects. Together with non-governmental organizations it carries out annual tree-planting campaigns in the cities where the company has its structural subdivisions and at its production facilities.
PetroKazakhstan is an active member of the Coordinating Council for Ecology, Social Responsibility and Transparency established under KAZENERGY, the Kazakhstani Association of the Oil and Gas Producers.
Preventing large environmental accidents and complying with requirements for atmospheric emissions, wastewater and solid waste processing, waste reduction, recycling and re-use are one of the key trends in the Company’s nature saving activities.
In «PKKR» JSC more than 90% of the total produced gas is now recycled thanks to the implementation of an Associated Petroleum Gas Recycling Program and electricity generation and gas re-injection infrastructure built under this Program.
«PKKR» JSC is the only oil producer in its region that has the largest number of environmental facilities, which allow significantly mitigating negative environmental impacts from operations. These facilities include:
Biological ponds for wastewater treatment at the Kumkol field.
Biological ponds for wastewater treatment at the Aryskum field.
A landfill for disposal and processing of solid waste at Kumkol oilfield.
A landfill for disposal and processing of solid waste at Aryskum oilfield.
A temporary low radioactive waste storage facility at Kumkol oilfield.
A drilling waste recycling site at Kyzylkiya oilfield.
The company made steps to equip its own drilling waste disposal and processing site. The drilling waste generated from well construction is transported to this facility.
The Procedure for Terminating the Status of Drilling Waste was developed and approved. An internal standard of the Company was drawn up with a description of the technical conditions for the processing of drilling waste for the production of technogenic soil. The conclusion of the National Center of Expertise confirming compliance with the state standard “Technogenic soil” and the corresponding certificate of conformity were received.
Particular attention is paid to the segregated collection of waste at all production and administrative facilities of the fields:
explanatory work is carried out with employees of the Company and contractors on segregated waste collection,
segregated removal of plastic waste from the places of formation is carried out,
an agreement was concluded for the disposal of plastic waste.
Works have been completed to restore worn-out water outlets at the biological ponds of the Kumkol field. The implementation of a project to install a block-modular wastewater treatment plant at the biological ponds of the Aryskum field has begun.
In the short term, all this will facilitate problem solving in connection with managing production waste from the moment it occurs.
In 2018, «PKKR» JSC took the III place among companies in the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the results of the First Annual Environmental Responsibility Rating of Oil and Gas Companies of Kazakhstan, organized by the World Wildlife Fund (Russia) and the CREON Group in partnership with the UN Environment Program in Central Asia (UNEP CA) and with the support of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2022, «PKKR» JSC was recognized as the winner of the “Tech Garden Awards 2022” in the “Best Environmental Project” nomination for the pilot work (Research and Development) carried out on the retreatment of oil sludge formed during the oil treatment process and accumulated in the previous historical period. The retreatment was carried out using the RSE-501 Oily Waste Processing Unit. The construction of the Unit was carried out with the financial support of the Science Foundation JSC under a trilateral agreement between «PKKR», Park of Innovative Technologies ACF and “CTSolutions”, LLP.