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For 25 years, the firefighting service of «PKKR» JSC has been considered one of the best among non-state fire services in the Kyzylorda region.
This is confirmed by the reliable provision of fire protection for the entire oil production cycle, from the process of drilling wells to its shipment to the consumer. The absence of cases of production downtime, the prevention of human casualties and cases of injury to workers as a result of fires and ignitions at hazardous production facilities are a natural result of competent organizational, technical and operational-tactical measures carried out by the personnel of the service.
During 2022, in order to optimize costs, the Fire Safety Department was reorganized into the Facility Fire and Gas Rescue Service (hereinafter referred to as the OPGSS), which assumed additional functions for conducting gas rescue and emergency rescue operations.
As part of the reorganization, the following work was carried out:
The service regulations has been developed, the organization structure and job descriptions of employees have been prepared.
Employees completed 40-hours of certified training at the “Sartai Training and Rescue Center”, LLP under the initial training program for gas rescuers and received the training certificates.
“ECOS Company”, LLP conducted 16-hours on the use of air-breathing apparatus and gas analyzers.
Specialists of the gas rescue team of PKOP LLP provided practical assistance to the employees of the OPGSS in working with a gas analyzer and an air-breathing apparatus “Drager”.
The main material and technical equipment of the OPGSS was composed of equipment that was on the balance of the fire safety department.
A post for recharging fire extinguishers and filling cylinders of air-breathing apparatus was organized at the Aryskum field.
The training polygon at the Kumkol field was equipped with additional devices.
An ambulance was converted into an operational rescue vehicle, and a fire trucke that was in reserve was converted into an off-road rescue vehicle.
Work is underway to re-equip the heat and smoke chamber at the Kumkol field.
Preparation of a package of documents for obtaining a certificate for the provision of emergency rescue services in the field of industrial safety has begun.
In 2022, the Facility Fire and Gas Rescue Service of «PKKR» JSC was awarded a letter of thanks from the Department of Emergency Situations in the Kyzylorda region as the best non-state fire service in the region.