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HSE Guiding principles of the Company are:

  1. HSE requirements shall be a priority in all decisions made.
  2. Working safely is a condition of employment.
  3. Employees are obliged to know and comply with the HSE requirements, set in the employers’ acts when performing their job duties.
  4. Company is obliged to refer to HSE performance of an employee when evaluating his/her working performance as well as in all incentive programs of the Company.
  5. Company is obliged to provide HSE training to employees and the employees are obliged to pass such training and safety knowledge assessment as required by the legislation.
  6. Employees of all levels are directly responsible and accountable for HSE compliance within their job duties.
  7. Line Management must participate in HSE audits and inspections in person.
  8. Line Management jointly with employees are obliged to participate in hazards identification, risk assessment and control at their working places.
  9. All hazards must be promptly eliminated as reasonably practical.
  10. All accidents/ incidents and near misses must be reported, investigated, analyzed and dealt with.
  11. Consistent HSE standards shall be applied to suppliers’ management. HSE performance shall be considered when choosing a supplier of goods, works or services.
In order to implement the Company’s guidelines, PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources JSC (hereinafter – «PKKR» JSC) has introduced the Integrated HSE Management Structure, that is based on the “VIZION ZERO”concept and within the structure of with the Central Safety Committee and the following sub-committees is functioning:
Safety Committee at the oil field, cascade committees
Motivation and Communication sub-committee
Behavioral Safety Audits (hereinafter – BSA) and Safety Culture Promotion sub-committee
Risk Management and Occupational Hygiene sub-committee
Production Control sub-committee
The following best practices were implemented as part of the subcommittees’ operation:
Conduct and analysis of BSAs
Implementation of the HSE risk assessment and management program at the Company’s facilities
Automation of registration and investigation of incidents, near misses and recording and analysis of BSAs in “SAP HSE Incidents Management Module”
A system was put in place to communicate HSE issues from ordinary employees to the top management (cascade meetings) to accelerate the decision-making
Implementation of the project on “Automation of Recording and Issue of the Personal Protective Equipment in SAP Module”
«PKKR» JSC developed and implemented “Regulation on HSE Management System”. The Regulation’s structure is adapted to the structure of the international standard ISO 45001:2018. The reorganization of the safety team of HSE department was done to form three groups:
Monitoring and audit
Planning, analysis and reporting
Safety traffic control
Safety team employees passed a training on the following topics: “Incident Investigation and Reporting”, “Internal Auditor of an Integrated Management System Based on International Standards ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018”.
The Company is efficiently implementing the “Employee Rewarding Program for Reporting of Near Misses, Unsafe Conditions / Actions”, within the framework of which employees are quarterly rewarded and awarded with certificates and memorable pins.
Every June the Company organizes the Safety Month campaign. The activities that are carried out during the Safety Month are aimed at improving of employees’ HSE awareness, promoting safety culture at all levels of management and further improvement of the HSE MS. Traditionally,  various competitions are held as part of the Safety Month, among them are  “Best in HSE” among the Company’s workshops and divisions, a children’s drawing competition “Occupational Safety as Children See It”, a competition among employees “Photo in Safety”.
In order to improve the level of traffic safety and reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents on the roads of «PKKR» JSC and to recognize the priority of life and health of people involved in road traffic over the economic results of operation activities, a Transportation Safety Memorandum was signed between «PKKR» JSC and subsoil users of Kyzylorda oblast using motor roads of «PKKR» JSC. All vehicles carrying passengers and dangerous goods are equipped with on-board monitoring systems (GPS).
As part of the experience exchange among the enterprises of the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2022, representatives of the HSE Department visited the facilities of Turgai Petroleum JSC and PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP. Representatives of «PKKR» JSC took part in the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of mining and technical supervision of Kazakhstan in Astana city.
The Company regularly participates in the republican contests in the HSE nominations. Thus, in 2018 the Company was rewarded with I place in the republican contest “CENIM-2018” in the nomination “The Best HSE Department”. In 2022, the Company was rewarded with II place in the republican contest “CENIM-2022” in the nomination “The Best Safety Engineer”.